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Sagola tennysonensis Park & Carlton, 2014

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Sagola tennysonensis Park & Carlton, 2014: 115
Sagola tennysonensis Park & Carlton, 2014

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Park & Carlton
Park & Carlton
Sagola tennysonensis Park & Carlton, 2014
Sagola tennysonensis
Holotype. NEW ZEALAND: Marlborough Sounds: 1♂ (NZAC), aedeagus dissected and mounted in balsam on a clear plastic card, “NEW ZEALAND: SD: Tennyson Inlet Road, 115-135m, 30 XII 84-5 I 85, forest streams. hdwd.-podo.-nikau for., A. Newton/M. Thayer 723, berl., leaf & log litter, forest floor”, “HOLOTYPE Sagola tennysonensis Park and Carlton 2013”. Paratype (1 male). NEW ZEALAND: Westland: 1♂ (LSAM), 11.2km ne Franz Josef Glacier, nr Lake Mapourika, 150m, Otto’s Corner picnic area, 43′18S 170′14E, #064, Coastal forest leaf litter berlese, 15 I 1998, C. Carlton, R. Leschen.

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Sagola tennysonensis Park & Carlton, 2014
Sagola tennysonensis Park & Carlton, 2014
Sagola tennysonensis Park & Carlton, 2014

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Sagola tennysonensis Park & Carlton, 2014
New Zealand
Marlborough Sounds

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Holotype. NEW ZEALAND: Marlborough Sounds: 1♂ (NZAC), aedeagus dissected and mounted in balsam on a clear plastic card, “NEW ZEALAND: SD: Tennyson Inlet Road, 115-135m, 30 XII 84-5 I 85, forest streams. hdwd.-podo.-nikau for., A. Newton/M. Thayer 723, berl., leaf & log litter, forest floor”, “HOLOTYPE Sagola tennysonensis Park and Carlton 2013”. Paratype (1 male). NEW ZEALAND: Westland: 1♂ (LSAM), 11.2km ne Franz Josef Glacier, nr Lake Mapourika, 150m, Otto’s Corner picnic area, 43′18S 170′14E, #064, Coastal forest leaf litter berlese, 15 I 1998, C. Carlton, R. Leschen.

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14 July 2015
14 July 2015
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