Hebe rapensis (F.Br.) Garn.-Jones

Hebe rapensis (F.Br.) Garn.-Jones, New Zealand J. Bot. 14: 79 (1976)
(F.Br.) Garn.-Jones
Hebe rapensis
Hebe rapensis (F.Br.) Garn.-Jones
Erect to spreading shrub up to 60 cm tall.
Branches erect or ascending, bearing leaves in upper portions and ringed with leaf base scars below. Young branches dark brown, 2-5 mm thick, densely uniformly (rarely bifariously) pubescent with short fine stiff hairs, old branches pale brown, glabrous, up to 1 cm thick with longitudinally furrowed bark. Internodes 0.5-1 cm long.
Leaf bud without sinus, leaves spreading, sessile. Lamina glabrous except for short fine stiff hairs along midrib and near base adaxially, sometimes ciliolate near base, (2)-3-5-(7) × (0.5)-0.8-1.5 cm, lanceolate, tapering from about halfway to narrow subacute apex, amplexicaul to subauriculate, entire with narrow cartilaginous border, margin slightly recurved, midrib depressed above, prominent below.
Inflorescence a lateral axillary raceme, equal to or slightly longer than the leaves; peduncle 1-2 cm long, finely pubescent, shorter than flowering portion; flowers crowded, not opposite; bracts 1-2 mm long, narrowly lanceolate, ciliolate; pedicels 3-4 mm long, ascending, finely pubescent.
Calyx 2-3 mm long, lobes 4, narrowly ovate, acute to acuminate, ciliolate; corolla white or tinged with purple, tube c. 1 mm long, hairy within, lobes 4, 1.5-2 mm long, spreading, obtuse, the anterior lobe narrower than the others; anthers c. 1 mm long, filaments 3-4 mm long; ovary glabrous, 1 mm long, broadest near base, acute, style c. 3 mm long, glabrous, stigma discoid, hardly broader than the style.
Capsule ovate, glabrous, 3-5 mm long, acute, flattened, latiseptate, dehiscing by septicidal split threequarters way to base, loculicidal split halfway to base.
Taxonomic concepts
Hebe rapensis (F.Br.) Garn.-Jones
Hebe rapensis (F.Br.) Garn.-Jones
Hebe rapensis (F.Br.) Garn.-Jones
Hebe rapensis (F.Br.) Garn.-Jones
Hebe rapensis (F.Br.) Garn.-Jones
Hebe rapensis (F.Br.) Garn.-Jones
Hebe rapensis (F.Br.) Garn.-Jones
Hebe rapensis (F.Br.) Garn.-Jones
scientific name
5 August 2005
15 July 2011