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Cladosiphon moorei V.J.Chapm.

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Cladosiphon moorei V.J.Chapm. (1961)

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Cladosiphon moorei V.J.Chapm.
Cladosiphon moorei

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Cladosiphon moorei V.J.Chapm.
New Zealand
Otago Land District

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For this database, it has not been determined if this was published in Chapman, V.J. 1961: New entities and combinations in the Phaeophyceae of New Zealand. Bulletin of the Research Council of Israel. Section D. Botany 10: 15–28., as seems to be inferred by Nelson & Adams, 1983 [Nelson, W.A.; Adams, N.M. 1983: A taxonomic revIsion of the families Chordariaceae and Chordariopsidaceae (Phaeophyta) in New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Botany 21: 77–92], or in Lindauer, V.W.; Chapman, V.J.; Aiken, M. 1961: The marine algae of New Zealand. II. Phaeophyceae. Nova Hedwigia 3: 129–350. The typification details, therefore, have not been found.

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4 July 2023
4 July 2023
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