Ficinia marginata (Thunb.) Fourc.

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Ficinia marginata (Thunb.) Fourc.
Ficinia marginata (Thunb.) Fourc.
Dense rigid tufts to 7 cm high. Stems erect, ± 0.5 mm diam. Leaves much < to ± = stems, 1-3, rigid, setaceous; sheaths very pale brown, tinged red at mouth or entirely red-brown. Inflorescence apparently lateral, 1-4 spikelets; bract > spikelets, to 1.5 cm long, rigid. Spikelets 2.5-4 mm long, elliptical or ovoid, dark markings conspicuous. Glumes 1.5-2 mm long, rigid, boat-shaped, incurved, yellow with a large red-brown patch on each side towards tip, marked with deeply incised curved lines, strongly keeled, keel green towards ± excurrent tip. Hypogynous bristles 0. Stamens 3. Stigmas 3. Nut ± 1 mm long, trigonous, bright yellow to yellow-brown, occasionally with a black tip.
Annual, in dense, rigid tufts. Culms (0.5)–2–7 cm. × c. 0.5 mm., erect. Lvs 1–3, much < to almost = culms, rigid and coriac.; sheaths very pale brown, tinged red at the mouth or entirely red-brown. Infl. apparently lateral, of 1–4 spikelets; subtending bract > spikelets, up to 1.5 cm. long, rigid. Spikelets 2.5–4 × 1.5–2 mm., elliptical or ovoid, dark markings conspicuous. Glumes 1.5–2 mm. long, rigid, boat-shaped, incurved, broadly ovate, yellow with a large red-brown patch on each side towards the tip, marked with deeply incised curved lines, strongly keeled, keel green towards the ± excurrent tip, margins entire. Hypog. bristles 0. Stamens 3. Style-branches 3. Nut c. 1 mm. long, slightly > 0.5 mm. wide, elliptic-obovoid, trigonous with subacute angles, minutely apiculate, occ. with a black tip, broadly stipitate, bright yellow to yellow-brown, very minutely punctulate and appearing smooth.
Taxonomic concepts
Ficinia marginata (Thunb.) Fourc.
Ficinia marginata (Thunb.) Fourc.
Ficinia marginata (Thunb.) Fourc.
Isolepis marginata (Thunb.) A.Dietr.
Isolepis marginata (Thunb.) A.Dietr.
Ficinia marginata (Thunb.) Fourc.
Isolepis marginata (Thunb.) A.Dietr.
Scirpus antarcticus sensu New Zealand authors
Scirpus antarcticus sensu New Zealand authors
Scirpus antarcticus sensu New Zealand authors
Scirpus cartilagineus sensu New Zealand authors
Scirpus marginatus Thunb.
Ficinia marginata (Thunb.) Fourc.
scientific name
31 October 2023
31 October 2023