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Fissidens blechnoides J.E.Beever

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Fissidens blechnoides J.E.Beever, J. Bryol. 19: 258 (1996)
Fissidens blechnoides J.E.Beever

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New Zealand
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Fissidens blechnoides J.E.Beever
Fissidens blechnoides
The epithet, from Blechnum + -oides (like), refers to the fern Blechnum novae-zelandiae, the rather similar fronds of which likewise form swards on soil banks, albeit on a much larger scale.
Holotype: N.Z., Nelson L. D., Spooners Range, Golden Downs Forest, on vertical cut bank at track edge, 10 Dec. 1995, J.E. Beever 84-98, CHR 521297! Isotypes: AK!, AKU!, BM!, CANB!, G!, HO!, MEL!, MELU!, MO!, NSW!, NY!, OTA!, WELT!

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Fissidens aniosphyllus sensu Sainsbury 1955
Fissidens blechnoides J.E.Beever
Fissidens blechnoides J.E.Beever
Fissidens blechnoides J.E.Beever
Fissidens blechnoides J.E.Beever
Fissidens blechnoides J.E.Beever
Fissidens blechnoides J.E.Beever

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Fissidens blechnoides J.E.Beever
New Zealand
Fissidens blechnoides J.E.Beever
New Zealand
Canterbury Land District
Fissidens blechnoides J.E.Beever
New Zealand
Marlborough Land District
Fissidens blechnoides J.E.Beever
New Zealand
Nelson Land District
Fissidens blechnoides J.E.Beever
New Zealand
North Auckland Land District
Fissidens blechnoides J.E.Beever
New Zealand
Otago Land District
Fissidens blechnoides J.E.Beever
New Zealand
Wellington Land District

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Holotype: N.Z., Nelson L. D., Spooners Range, Golden Downs Forest, on vertical cut bank at track edge, 10 Dec. 1995, J.E. Beever 84-98, CHR 521297! Isotypes: AK!, AKU!, BM!, CANB!, G!, HO!, MEL!, MELU!, MO!, NSW!, NY!, OTA!, WELT!
The epithet, from Blechnum + -oides (like), refers to the fern Blechnum novae-zelandiae, the rather similar fronds of which likewise form swards on soil banks, albeit on a much larger scale.

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scientific name
1 January 2000
4 September 2014
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