Calymperes graeffeanum Müll.Hal.

Calymperes graeffeanum Müll.Hal., J. Mus. Godeffroy 3: 64 (1874)
Calymperes graeffeanum Müll.Hal.
New Zealand
Political Region
Fife excluded Calymperes graffeanum, originally recorded as Calymperes australe Besch. from the New Zealand flora:" Calymperes graeffeanum Müll.Hal. was recorded from the Kermadec Is (Raoul I.) by
Sykes 1977, as C. australe Besch.). The purported 1868 collector, Sallé, is not known to have made
any other plant collections from the Kermadec Is. Calymperes graeffeanum is widespread in the Indian
Ocean, Queensland and Polynesia." ..."No further collections of this species from the Kermadec Is have been
made since 1868 and the record must be viewed with doubt."
Calymperes graeffeanum Müll.Hal.
Calymperes graeffeanum
Historic biostatus
Indigenous, non-endemic
New Zealand
Political Region
"Cited by Sykes (1977) under the name Calymperes australe Besch. and known only from the holotype from Raoul Island (BM!). C. australe has recently been synonymised under the more widespread C. graeffeanum, the distribution of which includes tropical islands of the Indian Ocean, Queensland, and extends eastward to the Society, Tuamotu, and Pitcairn Islands (Ellis 1988). Pitcairn (c. 25° S, 130 °W), the most southerly as well as the most easterly
locality cited, has a latitude only 4° less than Raoul and the extension of range of the species to the subtropical
Kermadecs is thus phytogeographically feasible.
However, we know nothing of the collector, Sallé (see Discussion), and no further collections of the species are known from the Kermadecs."
and the extension of range of the species to the subtropical
Kermadecs is thus phytogeographically feasible.
However, we know nothing of the collector,
Sall6 (see Discussion), and no further collections of
the species are known from the Kermadecs. It is,
however, a relatively inconspicuous species and
specialist searching in epiphytic habitats may yet
confirm the original record...'
scientific name
1 January 2000
2 April 2020