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Blindia martinii Sainsbury

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Blindia martinii Sainsbury, Rev. Bryol. Lichénol., n.s. 18: 111 (1949)
Blindia martinii Sainsbury

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Indigenous, non-endemic
New Zealand
Political Region

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Blindia martinii Sainsbury
Blindia martinii
The epithet commemorates William Martin (1886–1975), who collected the type and contributed greatly to our understanding of the N.Z. cryptogam flora.
Holotype: N.Z., “Arthur’s Pass, Canterbury, South Island; coll. W. Martin (6315), 14th January 1944”. WELT M005054! Isotypes: WELT M005076/A!, M005076/B! The number 6315 is a Sainsbury herbarium number. Further collection data is attached to the holotype specimen indicating it was collected at Avalanche Creek and grew on large boulders in tufts of 3–4 inches (7.5–10 cm) diameter. One isotype (WELT M005076/A), bearing descriptive notes by Sainsbury, was clearly referred to in the writing of the protologue. The latter specimen was, erroneously in my opinion, provisionally considered to be the holotype by Vitt in 1985 (in herb.). The WELT holotype and isotypes are all derived from W. Martin 85. Some isotypes bear the Sainsbury herbarium number 1012. There is a slight discrepancy between the collection date given on the holotype and that in the protologue. Paratypes: CHR 380530!; CHR 570810!

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Blindia egmontensis Sainsbury
Blindia martinii Sainsbury
Blindia martinii Sainsbury
Blindia martinii Sainsbury
Blindia martinii Sainsbury

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Blindia martinii Sainsbury
Blindia martinii Sainsbury
New Zealand
Canterbury Land District
Blindia martinii Sainsbury
New Zealand
Gisborne Land District
Blindia martinii Sainsbury
New Zealand
Marlborough Land District
Blindia martinii Sainsbury
New Zealand
Nelson Land District
Blindia martinii Sainsbury
New Zealand
Otago Land District
Blindia martinii Sainsbury
New Zealand
Southland Land District
Blindia martinii Sainsbury
New Zealand
Taranaki Land District
Blindia martinii Sainsbury
New Zealand
Wellington Land District
Blindia martinii Sainsbury
New Zealand
Westland Land District

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Holotype: N.Z., “Arthur’s Pass, Canterbury, South Island; coll. W. Martin (6315), 14th January 1944”. WELT M005054! Isotypes: WELT M005076/A!, M005076/B! The number 6315 is a Sainsbury herbarium number. Further collection data is attached to the holotype specimen indicating it was collected at Avalanche Creek and grew on large boulders in tufts of 3–4 inches (7.5–10 cm) diameter. One isotype (WELT M005076/A), bearing descriptive notes by Sainsbury, was clearly referred to in the writing of the protologue. The latter specimen was, erroneously in my opinion, provisionally considered to be the holotype by Vitt in 1985 (in herb.). The WELT holotype and isotypes are all derived from W. Martin 85. Some isotypes bear the Sainsbury herbarium number 1012. There is a slight discrepancy between the collection date given on the holotype and that in the protologue. Paratypes: CHR 380530!; CHR 570810!
The epithet commemorates William Martin (1886–1975), who collected the type and contributed greatly to our understanding of the N.Z. cryptogam flora.

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scientific name
1 January 2000
13 August 2015
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