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Pleurophascum ovalifolium Fife & P.J.Dalton

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Pleurophascum ovalifolium Fife & P.J.Dalton, New Zealand J. Bot. 43: 877 (2005)
Pleurophascum ovalifolium Fife & P.J.Dalton

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New Zealand
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Fife & P.J.Dalton
Fife & P.J.Dalton
replacement name
Pleurophascum ovalifolium Fife & P.J.Dalton
Pleurophascum ovalifolium
The species epithet refers to the oval form of the vegetative leaves. This epithet was adopted since the leaf decurrency referenced in Sainsbury’s varietal epithet is obscure and difficult to observe.

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Pleurophascum grandiglobum var. decurrens Sainsbury
Pleurophascum ovalifolium Fife & P.J.Dalton
Pleurophascum ovalifolium Fife & P.J.Dalton
Pleurophascum ovalifolium Fife & P.J.Dalton
Pleurophascum ovalifolium Fife & P.J.Dalton
Pleurophascum ovalifolium Fife & P.J.Dalton
Pleurophascum ovalifolium Fife & P.J.Dalton

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Pleurophascum ovalifolium Fife & P.J.Dalton
New Zealand
Pleurophascum ovalifolium Fife & P.J.Dalton
New Zealand
Canterbury Land District
Pleurophascum ovalifolium Fife & P.J.Dalton
New Zealand
Nelson Land District
Pleurophascum ovalifolium Fife & P.J.Dalton
New Zealand
North Auckland Land District
Pleurophascum ovalifolium Fife & P.J.Dalton
New Zealand
Southland Land District
Pleurophascum ovalifolium Fife & P.J.Dalton
New Zealand
Westland Land District

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The species epithet refers to the oval form of the vegetative leaves. This epithet was adopted since the leaf decurrency referenced in Sainsbury’s varietal epithet is obscure and difficult to observe.

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scientific name
13 March 2002
20 February 2024
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