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Rhododendron stenophyllum Hook.f. ex Stapf

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Rhododendron stenophyllum Hook.f. ex Stapf, Trans. Linn. Soc. London, Bot. 4: 196 (1894)
Rhododendron stenophyllum Hook.f. ex Stapf

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Hook.f. ex Stapf
Rhododendron stenophyllum Hook.f. ex Stapf
Rhododendron stenophyllum

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This name is cited as "R. stenophyllum Hook.f. ex Becc., Malesia 1: 203 (1878) in obs., Stapf in Trans. Linn. Soc., Bot. Ser. 2, 4: 196 (1894)." by IPNI and GBIF, however, although he mentioned the name in Malesia 1 in 1878 Beccari was not intending to validly published it as it is in the notes under a the publication of Rhododendron salicifolium sp. n., as retyped below: "É specie distintissima per le sue foglie strettissime e lunghe, e per i fiori gialli a tubo corto e stretto. L’esemplare di Landak è senza Fiori e molto più robusto degli altri, ha foglie lunghe sino 27 cent. e larghe 3 cent.; porta delle capsule molto allungate. Questa specie sembra si trovi nell’ Erb. di Kew col nome manoscritto di R. stenophyllum Hook.f.; nome che io avrei adottato se avessi potuto ispezionare gli esemplari ai quali esso è stato applicato, o se fossi potuto essere sicuro che detti esemplari sonom identici ai miei." This is translated by google translate as: "It is a very distinct species for its very narrow and long leaves, and for its yellow flowers with short and narrow tubes. The Landak specimen is without flowers and much more robust than the others, with leaves up to 27 cents long. and 3 cents wide; It carries very elongated capsules. This species seems to be found in the Erb. of Kew under the manuscript name of R. stenophyllum Hook.f.; a name which I would have adopted if I had been able to inspect the specimens to which it has been applied, or if I had been able to be sure that these specimens are identical to mine." It does not appear to be a valid publication of R. stenophyllum.

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