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Resupinatus poriaeformis (Pers.) Thorn, Moncalvo & Redhead 2006 [2005]

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Resupinatus poriaeformis (Pers.) Thorn, Moncalvo & Redhead in Thorn et al., Mycologia 97 1148 (2006 [2005])
Resupinatus poriaeformis (Pers.) Thorn, Moncalvo & Redhead 2006 [2005]

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Recorded in error
New Zealand
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The NZ taxon under this name is not R. poriaeformis sensu stricto

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Thorn, Moncalvo & Redhead
(Pers.) Thorn, Moncalvo & Redhead
Resupinatus poriaeformis
Type Europe

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MYRTACEAE. Metrosideros perforata: Otago, Ryans Creek, Stewart Island. RUBIACEAE. Coprosma arborea: Auckland, Little Barrier Island. UNKNOWN HOSTS. Auckland, Titirangi, 250 m; Mountain Road, Henderson Valley, 200 m; Brooklyn, Manakau Harbour.
Subiculum annual, effused, forming small membranous orbicular areas 1-2 cm diameter, 100-150 µm thick, of loosely intertwined hyaline hyphae embedding masses of crystals; margin thinning out, white, arachnoid. Pilei densely crowded, seldom confluent, cupulate, 200-350 µm diameter, 150-300 µm tall, lower half embedded in locules; pileus exterior grey, delicately tomentose, sometimes naked, hairs hyaline; margin mainly erect, sometimes inturned, grey, tomentose with simple hairs; hymenial surface even, grey, concave. Context white, 30-50 µm thick, of radiately arranged parallel hyphae; generative hyphae 2.5-3 µm diameter, walls 0.25 µm thick, hyaline, finely crystal encrusted. Hymenial layer to 25 µm deep, a close palisade of basidia and paraphyses. Basidia subclavate, 12-16 x 5-7 µm bearing 2-4 spores; sterigmata erect, slender, to 6 µm long. Spores globose or subglobose, apiculate, 5.5-7 x 5.5-6 µm, walls smooth, hyaline, 0.25 µm thick.
DISTRIBUTION: Europe, Great Britain, North and South America, South Africa, New Zealand.
HABITAT: Crowded on bark of decayed branches.
Pilei are densely crowded in small groups immersed in a grey subiculum resembling, as Burt (1924, p. 23) observed, a cinereous crustaceous lichen bearing numerous small apothecia. They are seated in the subiculum in rudimentary loculi which are not well developed as in S. huia.

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Peziza poriaeformis (Pers.) DC. (1815)
Resupinatus poriaeformis (Pers.) Thorn, Moncalvo & Redhead 2006 [2005]
Porotheleum poriaeforme (Pers.) W.B. Cooke (1957)
Resupinatus poriaeformis (Pers.) Thorn, Moncalvo & Redhead 2006 [2005]
Resupinatus poriaeformis (Pers.) Thorn, Moncalvo & Redhead 2006 [2005]
Resupinatus poriaeformis (Pers.) Thorn, Moncalvo & Redhead (2006) [2005]
Resupinatus poriaeformis (Pers.) Thorn, Moncalvo & Redhead 2006 [2005]
Resupinatus poriaeformis (Pers.) Thorn, Moncalvo & Redhead (2006) [2005]
Solenia poriaeformis (Pers.) Fuckel (1871) [1871-72]
Resupinatus poriaeformis (Pers.) Thorn, Moncalvo & Redhead 2006 [2005]
Stigmatolemma poriaeforme (Pers.) W.B. Cooke (1961)
Stigmatolemma poriaeforme (Pers.) Singer (1962) [1961]
Resupinatus poriaeformis (Pers.) Thorn, Moncalvo & Redhead 2006 [2005]
Stigmatolemma poriaeforme (Pers.) W.B. Cooke (1961)
Resupinatus poriaeformis (Pers.) Thorn, Moncalvo & Redhead 2006 [2005]
Stigmatolemma poriaeforme (Pers.) Singer (1962) [1961]
Stromatoscypha poriiformis (Pers.) G. Cunn. (1963)
Resupinatus poriaeformis (Pers.) Thorn, Moncalvo & Redhead 2006 [2005]

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Resupinatus poriaeformis (Pers.) Thorn, Moncalvo & Redhead 2006 [2005]
New Zealand

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taxonomic status
McDonald considers urceolatum and poriaeformis to be synonyms, although Au/NZ collection may constitute a separate species and in need of sequencing.
Type Europe

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scientific name
29 May 2006
29 May 2006
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