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Sagola gyudongi Park & Carlton, 2014

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Park & Carlton
Park & Carlton
Sagola gyudongi Park & Carlton, 2014
Sagola gyudongi
This species is named for one of the enthusiastic supporters of this study, Gyu-Dong Han. He is one of the first author’scolleagues and assisted with molecular components of the phylogenetic analysis.
Holotype. NEW ZEALAND: Marlborough: 1♂ (NZAC), aedeagus dissected and mounted in balsam on a clear plastic card, “NEW ZEALAND: MB: Pelorus Bridge, 25 VII 1967 G. Kuschel, litter 67/220”, “HOLOTYPE Sagola gyudongi Park and Carlton 2013”. Paratypes (n = 10: 8 males; 2 females). NEW ZEALAND: Buller: 2♂♂ (DSC&FMNH), Nelson Lakes NP, Lake Rotoiti, St. Arnaud tr, 670m, 14 XII 1984–6 I 1985, Nothofagus forest, A. Newton, M. Thayer 706, FIT&window trap; 2♂♂ 2♀♀ (FMNH), Nelson Lakes NP, Lake Rotoiti, St. Arnaud tr, 645m, 14 XII 1984–6 I 1985, Nothofagus forest, A. Newton, M. Thayer 705, window trap; Nelson: 1♂ (FMNH), 20km ne Takaka, Tasman NP, 21 V 1982, FMHD#2005-591, mixed forest litter, S. Peck; Marlborough Sounds: 3♂♂ (LUNZ), Outer Chetwode I, (Te Kakaho), 11–16 II 1988, M.H. Bowie, yellow pan trap in shoreline vegetation.

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Sagola gyudongi Park & Carlton, 2014
Sagola gyudongi Park & Carlton, 2014
Sagola gyudongi Park & Carlton, 2014

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Sagola gyudongi Park & Carlton, 2014
New Zealand

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This species is named for one of the enthusiastic supporters of this study, Gyu-Dong Han. He is one of the first author’scolleagues and assisted with molecular components of the phylogenetic analysis.
Holotype. NEW ZEALAND: Marlborough: 1♂ (NZAC), aedeagus dissected and mounted in balsam on a clear plastic card, “NEW ZEALAND: MB: Pelorus Bridge, 25 VII 1967 G. Kuschel, litter 67/220”, “HOLOTYPE Sagola gyudongi Park and Carlton 2013”. Paratypes (n = 10: 8 males; 2 females). NEW ZEALAND: Buller: 2♂♂ (DSC&FMNH), Nelson Lakes NP, Lake Rotoiti, St. Arnaud tr, 670m, 14 XII 1984–6 I 1985, Nothofagus forest, A. Newton, M. Thayer 706, FIT&window trap; 2♂♂ 2♀♀ (FMNH), Nelson Lakes NP, Lake Rotoiti, St. Arnaud tr, 645m, 14 XII 1984–6 I 1985, Nothofagus forest, A. Newton, M. Thayer 705, window trap; Nelson: 1♂ (FMNH), 20km ne Takaka, Tasman NP, 21 V 1982, FMHD#2005-591, mixed forest litter, S. Peck; Marlborough Sounds: 3♂♂ (LUNZ), Outer Chetwode I, (Te Kakaho), 11–16 II 1988, M.H. Bowie, yellow pan trap in shoreline vegetation.

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14 July 2015
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