Sagola boudreauxae Park & Carlton, 2014

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Sagola boudreauxae Park & Carlton, 2014: 142
Sagola boudreauxae Park & Carlton, 2014
Park & Carlton
Park & Carlton
Sagola boudreauxae Park & Carlton, 2014
Sagola boudreauxae
Etymology. This species is named for one of the enthusiastic supporters of this study, Bonnie Boudreaux. She was a member of the first author’s PhD advisory committee and provided valuable advice during this study, a major component of his dissertation.
Holotype. NEW ZEALAND: Bay of Plenty: 1♂ (NZAC), “NEW ZEALAND BP Rurima Rocks 23 Nov 1983 I. McFadden Litter (3B)”, “N.Z. Arthropod Collection, NZAC Private Bag 92170 AUCKLAND New Zealand”, “HOLOTYPE Sagola boudreauxae Park and Carlton 2013”. Paratype (n = 26: 7 males; 19 females). NEW ZEALAND: Bay of Plenty: 3♂♂ 8♀♀ (NZAC), same data as holotype; 1♂ (NZAC), Rurima Rocks, 21 V 1986, I. McFadden, 86/9; 3♂♂ (NZAC), Rurima Rocks, 23 XI 1983, I. McFadden, litter; 5♀♀ (NZAC), Rurima Rocks, 7 X 1983, I. McFadden, litter; 5♀♀ (NZAC), Rurima Rocks, 9 VII 1987, I. McFadden, litter 87/16; 1♀ (NZAC), Rurima Rocks, 19 IV 1985, I. McFadden, litter 85/38.
Taxonomic concepts
Sagola boudreauxae Park & Carlton, 2014
Sagola boudreauxae Park & Carlton, 2014
Sagola boudreauxae Park & Carlton, 2014
Etymology. This species is named for one of the enthusiastic supporters of this study, Bonnie Boudreaux. She was a member of the first author’s PhD advisory committee and provided valuable advice during this study, a major component of his dissertation.
Holotype. NEW ZEALAND: Bay of Plenty: 1♂ (NZAC), “NEW ZEALAND BP Rurima Rocks 23 Nov 1983 I. McFadden Litter (3B)”, “N.Z. Arthropod Collection, NZAC Private Bag 92170 AUCKLAND New Zealand”, “HOLOTYPE Sagola boudreauxae Park and Carlton 2013”. Paratype (n = 26: 7 males; 19 females). NEW ZEALAND: Bay of Plenty: 3♂♂ 8♀♀ (NZAC), same data as holotype; 1♂ (NZAC), Rurima Rocks, 21 V 1986, I. McFadden, 86/9; 3♂♂ (NZAC), Rurima Rocks, 23 XI 1983, I. McFadden, litter; 5♀♀ (NZAC), Rurima Rocks, 7 X 1983, I. McFadden, litter; 5♀♀ (NZAC), Rurima Rocks, 9 VII 1987, I. McFadden, litter 87/16; 1♀ (NZAC), Rurima Rocks, 19 IV 1985, I. McFadden, litter 85/38.
scientific name
14 July 2015