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Gymnomyces parvisaxoides T. Lebel 2002

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T. Lebel
T. Lebel
Gymnomyces parvisaxoides T. Lebel 2002
NZ holotype (PDD 69224)
Gymnomyces parvisaxoides
New Zealand, Buller, Murchison, Matakitaki Rd, R. E. Beever 1687, 11 Aug 1998, holotype PDD 69224.

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Gymnomyces parvisaxoides T. Lebel 2002

OTHER SPECIMENS EXAMINED: NORTH ISLAND: GISBORNE: Wairoa, Pakerae Kumi Conservation Area, R. E. Beever 1447, 26 May 1995, PDD 70527.SOUTH ISLAND: FIORDLAND: Fiordland National Park, Rainbow Reach, Kepler Track, R. E. Beever 1011, 18 May 1990, PDD 57891. NELSON: 5 km from Glenhope on Glenhope-Tapawera Rd, M. Amaranthus s.n. [Trappe 12627], 15 Sep 1992, OSC, MEL.
Basidiomata 3-35 x 3-25 mm, subglobose to lobed. Peridial surface dry, smooth, white with pale yellow to orange brown patches. Gleba white, loculate, chambers small and crowded. Stipe rarely present as a small exerted basal pad 1-2 x 1-2 mm, easily detached from basidioma. Columella rarely present as a thin translucent, percurrent strand, ± 1 mm wide. Odour slightly acrid, and taste not distinctive. Latex absent. Peridiopellis 8-20 µm wide, a patchy turf of upright to repent, hyaline hyphal tips 2-4.5 µm diam., becoming gelatinised and compacted in older basidiomata. Peridial context 115-210 µm wide, of tightly interwoven, hyaline hyphae 2-3.5 µm diam., sometimes in tight knots, and scattered, inflated hyphae 3-8 µm diam., refractive golden in KOH. Endocystidia and sphaerocysts absent. Hymenophoral trama 18-40 µm wide, of interwoven, hyaline hyphae 2-5 µm diam. and scattered thin, smooth, sinuous hyphae 2-3 µm diam., refractive in KOH, sphaerocysts absent. Subhymenium 11-28 µm wide, with 2-3 tiers of irregular cells 7-15 µm diam. Basidia 28-41 x 7-11 µm, cylindrical to clavate, hyaline, with 2, 3, or 4 sterigmata 4-7 µm long. Cystidia 11-35 x 5-9 µm, cylindrical, clavate or fusoid with mucronate or obtuse apices and granular contents; scattered to patchily abundant, arising in the trama, not protruding beyond basidia. Spores 8.5-11 x 7-10 µm (9.73 ± 0.27 x 8.83 ± 0.54), Q = 1.02-1.09, globose to subglobose, orthotropic. Ornamentation amyloid, of abundant isolated warts 0.5-0.8 µm high, many connected in short branched lines, sometimes forming a partial reticulum. Hilar appendix central 1-2 x 1-2 µm; plage absent. Spore colour in mass off-white.
HABITAT AND DISTRIBUTION: Hypogeous to partially exposed, in small groups under leaf litter in Nothofagus menziesii and N. solandrii forests. Fruiting period May-Sep.
Gasterocarpus 3-35 x 3-25 mm, subglobosus vellobatus. Peridium albidum variegatum pallidoluteum vel armeniacum brunneum. Gleba albida, loculata. Stipes nullus vel basim brevipes; columellanulla. Peridiopellis ex hyphis erectis vel repentibus, agglutetibus compactis ubi veteribus. Basidia 28-41 x 7-11 µm, 2 vel 4 sporigera. Cystidia 11-35 x 5-9 µm, dispersa. Sporae 8-11 x 7-10 µm, globosae vel subglobosae, amyloideae verruculis segregatis < 0.5 µm altis, lineis brevis ramosis interdum connexis vel reticulatis partiali ornatae.

ETYMOLOGY: The specific epithet refers to the general appearance of the basidioma, "small stonelike", from the Latin parvus meaning small, andsaxum meaning stone.

NOTES: Gymnomyces parvisaxoides may be distinguished from other sequestrate Russulales of New Zealand by the white peridium with yellow or orange-brown patches, small hymenial cystidia and low, partially reticulate spore ornamentation. Gymnomyces parvisaxoides resembles a number of collections from Australia which are associated with Eucalyptus spp. All collections generally have a white peridium with yellow or orange to red patches, small hymenial cystidia, and spore ornamentation of low branching lines or a partial reticulum. The Australian collections have a more robust spore ornamentation with more connections between elements, and a narrow, tangled trichodermial peridiopellis rather than the patchy turf of G.parvisaxoides.

HOLOTYPUS (hic designatus): New Zealand, Buller, Murchison, Matakitaki Rd, R. E. Beever 1687, 11 Aug 1998, PDD 69224.

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Gymnomyces parvisaxoides T. Lebel 2002
Gymnomyces parvisaxoides T. Lebel (2002)
Gymnomyces parvisaxoides T. Lebel 2002
Gymnomyces parvisaxoides T. Lebel (2002)
Gymnomyces parvisaxoides T. Lebel 2002
Gymnomyces parvisaxoides T. Lebel
Gymnomyces parvisaxoides T. Lebel 2002
Gymnomyces parvisaxoides T. Lebel 2002
Gymnomyces parvisaxoides T. Lebel (2002)
Gymnomyces parvisaxoides T. Lebel 2002
Gymnomyces parvisaxoides T. Lebel (2002)

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Gymnomyces parvisaxoides T. Lebel 2002
New Zealand
Gymnomyces parvisaxoides T. Lebel 2002
New Zealand
Gymnomyces parvisaxoides T. Lebel 2002
New Zealand
Gymnomyces parvisaxoides T. Lebel 2002
New Zealand
Mid Canterbury
Gymnomyces parvisaxoides T. Lebel 2002
New Zealand
Gymnomyces parvisaxoides T. Lebel 2002
New Zealand

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New Zealand, Buller, Murchison, Matakitaki Rd, R. E. Beever 1687, 11 Aug 1998, holotype PDD 69224.

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scientific name
29 October 2002
16 November 2017
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