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Juncus caespiticius E.Mey.

Scientific name record
Names_Plants record source
Is NZ relevant
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This record has collections
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This is indigenous
Threat status: Declining
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Indigenous, non-endemic
New Zealand
Political Region

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Juncus caespiticius E.Mey.
Juncus caespiticius

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Juncus caespiticius E.Mey.

Perennial grass-like tufts to c. 30 cm high. Leaves < stems, to 8 mm wide, channelled. Inflorescence usually a many-flowered dense globose head subtended by 1-3 longer leafy bracts. Stamens 6. Capsule c. 3 mm long, ± = tepals, ovoid, mucronate, red-brown.

Juncus caespiticius E.Mey.

Tufts of small diam. Stems 8–30–(45) cm. × 1–2 mm. Lvs ∞, all basal, grass-like, much < stems, solid, non-septate, lamina rather stiff, flattened at the base and up to 8 mm. wide, involute above and tapering considerably to the slightly dilated tip, mucronate in young lvs; sheath very broad and often pink-coloured, without auricles. Infl. terminal, contracted in most N.Z. plants into a many-fld, globose head, or occ. slightly branched; 1–3 lfy bracts at the base, at least one much > infl. Fls c. 3 mm. long; outer tepals acute or acuminate, shorter than the inner, more membr., subobtuse tepals. Stamens 6. Capsule ± = tepals, obtuse, mucronate.

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Juncus caespiticius E.Mey.
Juncus caespiticius E.Mey.
Juncus caespiticius E.Mey.
Juncus caespiticius E.Mey.
Juncus caespiticius E.Mey.
Juncus caespiticius E.Mey.
Juncus caespiticius E.Mey.
Juncus caespiticius E.Mey.
Juncus caespiticius E.Mey.
Juncus caespiticius E.Mey.

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Juncus caespiticius E.Mey.
New Zealand
Canterbury Land District
Juncus caespiticius E.Mey.
New Zealand
Gisborne Land District
Juncus caespiticius E.Mey.
New Zealand
South Auckland Land District
Juncus caespiticius E.Mey.
New Zealand
Taranaki Land District
Juncus caespiticius E.Mey.
New Zealand
Wellington Land District
Juncus caespiticius E.Mey.
New Zealand
Westland Land District

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scientific name
1 January 2000
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