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Orthoceras strictum R.Br.

Scientific name record
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Orthoceras strictum R.Br., Prodr. Fl. Nov. Holland. 317 (1810)
Orthoceras strictum R.Br.

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Indigenous, non-endemic
New Zealand
Political Region
It is not quite clear if O. strictum is distinct from O. novae-zeelandiae or should be regarded as a synonym. You can find the following statment in the NZNOG 2015 list (August Journal, No. 137 ): "The long floral bracts above the flower, and a more pointed labellum distinguish this Australian species from Orthoceras novae-zeelandiae. Actual distribution is unclear.”

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Orthoceras strictum R.Br.
Orthoceras strictum

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Orthoceras strictum R.Br.

Plant at fl. to 70 cm. tall. Tuber to 5 × 1 cm. Stem stiffly erect, axis of raceme often flexuous. Lvs linear-lanceolate to linear, channelled, acute, shorter than stem. Raceme to c. 20 cm. long; fls 2–12, well separated. Per. green to dull reddish, often with varying amounts of the two colours. Dorsal sepal 1–1.5 cm. long and almost as wide, deeply concave, subacute; laterals to twice as long, c. 0.5 mm. diam., semi-terete, erect or diverging. Petals narrow-oblong, flat, us. notched at tip. Labellum spreading or deflexed, of firm texture with smooth margins; lateral lobes broad, oblique; mid-lobe larger, ovate; median callus near base, shortly conical with thick tip turned inwards, often yellow; 2 smaller lateral basal calli us. present. Processes of column-wings linear, ± papillose, almost as long as anther.

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Orthoceras strictum R.Br.
Orthoceras strictum R.Br.
Orthoceras strictum R.Br.
Orthoceras strictum R.Br.
Orthoceras strictum R.Br.

Click to collapse Historic biostatus Info

New Zealand
Political Region
Indigenous, non-endemic
Political Region

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Orthoceras strictum R.Br.
Orthoceras strictum R.Br.
New Zealand
Canterbury Land District
Orthoceras strictum R.Br.
New Zealand
South Auckland Land District
Orthoceras strictum R.Br.
New Zealand
Wellington Land District

Click to collapse Notes Info

It is not quite clear if O. strictum is distinct from O. novae-zeelandiae or should be regarded as a synonym. You can find the following statment in the NZNOG 2015 list (August Journal, No. 137 ): "The long floral bracts above the flower, and a more pointed labellum distinguish this Australian species from Orthoceras novae-zeelandiae. Actual distribution is unclear.”

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scientific name
13 March 2002
7 September 2005
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