Gahnia lacera (A.Rich.) Steud.

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Gahnia lacera (A.Rich.) Steud. (1855)
Gahnia lacera (A.Rich.) Steud.
Vernacular names
Gahnia lacera (A.Rich.) Steud.
Thick, yellowish green tufts. Rhizome 5–8 mm. diam., very hard and woody. Culms 60–150 cm. × 2–4 mm., up to 6 mm. wide at base. Lvs , almost all cauline and = or > culms; lamina up to 9 mm. wide, flat or involute, glab. abaxially, margins scabrid; sheaths all closely appressed to and enclosing base of culm, slightly rough above, becoming dark brown to almost black, and smooth and shining towards the node. Panicle 20–40 × 3–6 cm., rigid, us. erect, many-fld, light brown, branchlets 2–7–(13) cm. long, often in dense, ± distant clusters along the axis of the panicle. Spikelets 1-fld. c. 8 mm. long, alternate on the branchlets, sessile or shortly stalked. Glumes 4–5; the outer 2–3 light red-brown; inner glumes pale cream, with a red lacerate tip. Stamens 4. Style-branches 3. Nut 3.5–4.5 mm. long, slightly < 2 mm. diam., oblong-ellipsoid or oblong-obovoid, black, shining, with a minute apiculate tip; endocarp obscurely transversely striate within.
Taxonomic concepts
Gahnia lacera (A.Rich.) Steud.
Gahnia lacera (A.Rich.) Steud.
Gahnia lacera (A.Rich.) Steud.
Gahnia lacera (A.Rich.) Steud.
Gahnia lacera (A.Rich.) Steud.
Gahnia lacera (A.Rich.) Steud.
Lampocarya lacera A.Rich.
Gahnia lacera (A.Rich.) Steud.
scientific name
1 January 2000
17 April 2009