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Dasya crinita M.J.Parsons & Womersley

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Dasya crinita M.J.Parsons & Womersley, Marine Benthic Fl. South. Austral. 3C 454–457, fig. 207 (1998)
Dasya crinita M.J.Parsons & Womersley

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M.J.Parsons & Womersley
M.J.Parsons & Womersley
454–457, fig. 207
Dasya crinita M.J.Parsons & Womersley
Dasya crinita
(From Australian Marine Algal Name Index): Type Specimen: HOLOTYPE: Adelaide: A33513 Type Locality: Type from Tapley Shoal, Gulf St Vincent, S. Aust., 15 m deep outside shoal (Shepherd, 2.ii.1969); holotype in AD, A33513, tetrasporangial, isotype in CHR, 315398.

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Dasya crinita M.J.Parsons & Womersley

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(From Australian Marine Algal Name Index): Type Specimen: HOLOTYPE: Adelaide: A33513 Type Locality: Type from Tapley Shoal, Gulf St Vincent, S. Aust., 15 m deep outside shoal (Shepherd, 2.ii.1969); holotype in AD, A33513, tetrasporangial, isotype in CHR, 315398.

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5 July 2023
5 July 2023
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