Sterigmatomyces novozelandicus (W.B. Kendr. & X.D. Gong) F.Y. Bai, Q.M. Wang, M. Groenew. & Boekhout 2016

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Sterigmatomyces novozelandicus (W.B. Kendr. & X.D. Gong) F.Y. Bai, Q.M. Wang, M. Groenew. & Boekhout in Wang et al., Studies in Mycology 81 159 (2016)
Sterigmatomyces novozelandicus (W.B. Kendr. & X.D. Gong) F.Y. Bai, Q.M. Wang, M. Groenew. & Boekhout 2016
F.Y. Bai, Q.M. Wang, M. Groenew. & Boekhout
W.B. Kendr. & X.D. Gong
(W.B. Kendr. & X.D. Gong) F.Y. Bai, Q.M. Wang, M. Groenew. & Boekhout
Sterigmatomyces novozelandicus
Agaricostilbales, Basidiomycoiina. Basidiomata reduced to fasciculate fertile hyphae which are erect, branched at the base or unbranched, colourless, finely echinulate, septate only in the upper, fertile part (the basidium) and the basal part, septa in these regions 7.2-10.5 um apart; 155- 300 um tall, sterile part narrower, 2.3-3.2 um wide. Cystidia absent. Basidia transversely 3-septate, each of the upper three cells 6.8-10.5 um long, 3.8-5.0 um wide. Basidiospore production localized, a succession of 3-7 spores developing on the same side of each of the lower 3 cells, the accumulation of sporogenous loci on each cell of the basidium forming a structure which is at first slightly raised and hump-like, and finally vesicular, this structure is found just below the upper septum of the three lower cells of the basidium. After the basidiospores have been passively shed, small scars (reduced sterigmata?) remain at the sporogenous loci. Basidiospores dry, colourless, ovoid, echinulate, non-septate, pointed at the base, 3.2-5.1 X 2.3-3.8 um Basidiospores germinating to produce yeast cells.
on dead Rhopalostylis sapida inflorescence, Fairy Falls Track, Waitakere Ranges, Auckland, New Zealand, W.B. Kendrick, 23 January 1980
Ad Agaricostilbales, Basidiomycotina, pertinens. Hyphae fertiles non ramosa vel ramosa, sparsa vel fasciculata, hyalina, clavata, echinulata, septata, 2.5-5.0 um lat.. 155-300 um long. Basidia in hyphis incorporata. Basidiospora in apiculibus et lateralibus, gibberibus locis efferentia, loci sporogeni unilaterales tria septa distalia conidiophori subtenti. Basidiospora 2.3-3.8 X 3.2-5.1 um, multi in quoque loco, sicca, hyalina, ovoidea, echinulata, non-septata, ad basim acuta.
KNZ 785
Taxonomic concepts
Agaricostilbum novozelandicum W.B. Kendr. & X.D. Gong (1995)
Agaricostilbum novozelandicum W.B. Kendr. & X.D. Gong (1995)
Agaricostilbum novozelandicum W.B. Kendr. & X.D. Gong (1995)
Agaricostilbum novozelandicum W.B. Kendr. & X.D. Gong (1995)
Global name resources
scientific name
27 January 2016