Stereodiscus Rajchenb. & Pildain 2021

Stereodiscus Rajchenb. & Pildain in Rajchenberg et al., Mycologia 113 [9 of 14] (2021)
Stereodiscus Rajchenb. & Pildain 2021
Rajchenb. & Pildain
Rajchenb. & Pildain
[9 of 14]
Stereodiscus Rajchenb. & Pildain 2021
Remarks: Stereodiscus is characterized by smooth, thin-walled, cylindric, broadly ellipsoid to citriform basidiospores up to 25 μm long and absence of any of the typical cystidia in Aleurodiscus s. lat., i.e., acantho-cystidia, acanthophyses, gloeocystidia, and dendrohy-phidia, but with skeletocystidia present in three species (S. antarcticus, S. parmuliformis, and S. trivialis). The hyphal system is monomitic with simple-septate hyphae, except in the recently described S. patagonicus (as Aleu-rodiscus), which features scattered clamps on the hyphae and at the bases of basidia (Phookamsak et al. 2019). The latter is consistent with its phylogenetic position, as it is excluded from the main cluster of species (FIG. 1). Otherwise, the five species grouped with strong support.
Stereodiscus is most closely related to Gloeosoma (FIG. 1). Gorjón et al. (2013) suggested the cluster of Aleurodiscus antarcticus, A. parmuliformis, and A. trivialis warranted segregation at the genus level characterized by possession of simple-septate hyphae and presence of skeletocystidia and geographic distribu-tion occurring only in the Southern Hemisphere. Our analyses show that two other taxa are included in this group, widening its morphological definition, and it indeed deserves generic rank.
Stereodiscus is most closely related to Gloeosoma (FIG. 1). Gorjón et al. (2013) suggested the cluster of Aleurodiscus antarcticus, A. parmuliformis, and A. trivialis warranted segregation at the genus level characterized by possession of simple-septate hyphae and presence of skeletocystidia and geographic distribu-tion occurring only in the Southern Hemisphere. Our analyses show that two other taxa are included in this group, widening its morphological definition, and it indeed deserves generic rank.
Taxonomic concepts
Stereodiscus Rajchenb. & Pildain 2021
Stereodiscus Rajchenb. & Pildain
scientific name
2 September 2021
2 September 2021