Microdochium novae-zelandiae Hern.-Restr., Thangavel & Crous 2019

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Microdochium novae-zelandiae Hern.-Restr., Thangavel & Crous in Marin-Felix et al., Studies in Mycology 92 97 (2019)
Microdochium novae-zelandiae Hern.-Restr., Thangavel & Crous 2019
Hern.-Restr., Thangavel & Crous
Hern.-Restr., Thangavel & Crous
Microdochium novae-zelandiae
Name is derived from New Zealand, the country where this fungus was collected.
New Zealand, Christchurch, from turf leaves (Poaceae), 2015, R. Thangavel (holotype CBS H-23384, culture ex-type CBS 143847 = CPC 29376 = ICMP 21872 = MPI T15_05208H);
Microdochium novae-zelandiae Hern.-Restr., Thangavel & Crous 2019
Notes: Microdochium novae-zelandiae is known from two isolates, both of which were collected in New Zealand from different hosts belonging to the families Pinaceae and Poaceae. Based on a four-gene analysis, the new species was placed in a clade distinct from M. bolleyi, M. colombiense, M. majus and M. nivale. Morphologically, M. novae-zelandiae has conidia similar in size to M. bolleyi and M. colombiense. However, subtle morphological differences exist in the conidial shapes of these taxa with M. novae-zelandiae having sigmoidal conidia. Compared with M. phragmitis, conidia of M. novae-zelandiae are smaller, mainly aseptate with variable shape [5.5–10 × 2–2.5 μm, 0(–1)-septate, fusiform, allantoid, lunate or slightly sigmoid in M. novae-zelandiae vs. 10–14.5 × 2–3 μm, 0–1-sepate, fusiform to navicular in M. phragmitis].
Mycelium superficial and immersed, composed of septate, branched, hyaline, smooth, 1–2.5 wide hyphae. Conidiomata sporodochium-like, formed in aerial mycelium or on agar surface, hyaline to pink. Conidiophores often reduced to conidiogenous cells. Conidiogenous cells 4–10 × 2–3 μm, integrated, terminal, polyblastic, proliferation sympodial, cylindrical to lageniform, hyaline, smooth; sometimes conidia formed directly on mycelium. Conidia 5.5–10 × 2–2.5 μm, solitary, fusoid, allantoid, lunate or slightly sigmoid, straight or curved, hyaline, smooth, 0(–1)-septate, base truncate. Chlamydospores not observed.
Taxonomic concepts
Microdochium novae-zelandiae Hern.-Restr., Thangavel & Crous 2019
Microdochium novae-zelandiae Hern.-Restr., Thangavel & Crous 2019
Global name resources
New Zealand, Christchurch, from turf leaves (Poaceae), 2015, R. Thangavel (holotype CBS H-23384, culture ex-type CBS 143847 = CPC 29376 = ICMP 21872 = MPI T15_05208H);
Name is derived from New Zealand, the country where this fungus was collected.
scientific name
5 December 2018