Erioscyphella brasiliensis (Mont.) Baral, Šandová & Perić 2014
Erioscyphella brasiliensis (Mont.) Baral, Šandová & Perić 2014
NZ isolates referred to Erioscyphella brasiliensis consistently have 4 bp different in the ITS2 region compared with the Asian isolates identified as E. brasliensis with sequences accessioned into GenBank and that are accepted by Peric & Baral (Mycol. Monten. 17: 89-104, 2014) as E. brasiliensis.
The morphology of the NZ specimens agree exactly with the descriptions of Haines & Dumont (Mycotaxon 19: 1-40, 1984, as Lachnum brasiliense) and Medel et al. (Mycotaxon 124: 73-85, 2013, as Lachnum brasiliense), including the reportedly characteristic blue-black pigmentation at the base of the stipe. How the New Zealand and Asian specimens would compare genetically to specimens from the type location of tropical America is not known.
Phylogenetically E. brasiliensis has a sister relationhip to E. abnormis, a species that shows a similar level of genetic diversity to E. brasiliensis. Lachnum nothofagi, common in New Zealand on dry bark of fallen Nothofagus, is morphologically very similar to E. brasliense, but the two species are phylogentically distinct. When dry the hymenium is darker and the hairs not so white; the ascospores are perhaps a bit shorter and more often 1-septate. Based on specimens with sequences, only L. nothofagi has not been found on Nothofagus in New Zealand.