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Pseudoascochyta novae-zelandiae Valenzuela-Lopez, Stchigel, Cano-Canals, Guarro & Cano 2016

Scientific name record
Names_Fungi record source
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Recorded name Association type Associated organism (recorded name) Associated organism (current name) Country Reference
Pseudoascochyta novae-zelandiae Valenzuela-Lopez, Stchigel, Cano-Canals, Guarro & Cano 2016 has host
Click to expand Cordyline australis (G.Forst.) Endl.
Click to expand Cordyline australis (G.Forst.) Endl.
Click to expand Crous PW, Wingfield MJ, Burgess TI, Hardy, GEStJ, Crane C, Cano-Lira JF, Le Roux JJ, Thangavel R, Guarro J, Stchigel AM, Alfredo DS, Barber PA, Barreto RW, Baseia IG, Cano-Canals J, Cheewangkoon R, Ferreira RJ, Gené J, Lechat C, Moreno G, Shivas RG, Sousa JO, Tan YP, Wiederhold NP, Abell SE, Albizu JL, Alves JL, Antoniolli ZI, Aplin N, Araújo J, Barrett S, Martín MP, Roets F, Accioly T, Arzanlou M, Bezerra JDP, Bouchara JP, Carlavilla JR, Castillo A, Castroagudín VL, Ceresini PC, Claridge GF, Coelho G, Coimbra VRM, da Cunha KC, da Silva SS, Daniel R, de Beer ZW, Costa LA, Dueñas M, Enwistle P, Fiuza PO, Fournier J, García D, Gibertoni TB, Guevara-Suarez M, Gusmão LFP, Haituk S, Heykoop M, Hofmann TA, Houbraken J, Hughes DP, Kautmanová I, Edwards J, Giraud S, Hirooka Y, Koppel O, Larsson E, Latha KPD, Lee DH, Lisboa DO, Lisboa WS, Koukol O, López-Villalba A, Maciel JLN, Manimohan P, Manjón JL, Marincowitz S, Marney TS, Meijer M, Miller AN, Olariaga I, Paiva LM, Piepenbring M, PovedaMolero JC, Raj KNA, Raja HA, Rougeron A, Salcedo I, Santos TAB, Siqueira JPZ, Scarlett K, Seifert KA, Souza-Motta CM, Shuttleworth LA, Stephenson SL, Samadi R, Silva GA, Sutton DA, Silva M, Tamakeaw N, Telleria MT, Valenzuela-Lopez N, Viljoen A, Visagie CM, Wartchow F, Wingfield BD, Yurchenko E, Zamora JC, Vizzini A, Groenewald JZ (2016)
Pseudoascochyta novae-zelandiae Valenzuela-Lopez, Stchigel, Cano-Canals, Guarro & Cano 2016 isolated from
Click to expand Cordyline australis (G.Forst.) Endl.
Click to expand Cordyline australis (G.Forst.) Endl.
New Zealand ICMP (Records from New Zealand.)

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scientific name
4 January 2017
4 October 2024
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