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Pseudopithomyces pavgii (V.R. Nath) B.S. Weir, D. Lee in ed.

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Pseudopithomyces pavgii (V.R. Nath) B.S. Weir, D. Lee (in ed.)
Pseudopithomyces pavgii (V.R. Nath) B.S. Weir, D. Lee in ed.

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B.S. Weir, D. Lee
V.R. Nath
(V.R. Nath) B.S. Weir, D. Lee
in ed.
invalidly published
Pseudopithomyces pavgii

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Colonies on PDA white to grey and black with cottony fluffy growth, reverse light avcllancous or orange; condidiophores poorly differentiated micronematous or semi-macronematous mononematous straight or flexuous, hyaline, smooth 1.1 — 2.2 fxm wide; conidiogenous cells monoblastic, terminal, cylindrical, smooth and hyaline for most part and rough as they reach the conidia 5.0—22.0x2.2 — 4.4 um (mostly up to 16.5 and occasionally 26.5 um); conidia solitary, acrogenous, ovate, elliptical, clavate, rarely round, rounded at the apex, narrowed to a truncate base, dark olive brown, thickwalled, verrucose, 1 — 2 septate, sometimes 3—4 septate; predominantly two septate conidia observed and they comprise 80% of conidial production, single septate conidia being 18% and three to four septate being 2% (Fig. 1).
Isolated from kernels of Arachis hypogaea L. cv TMV-3, 3-1-1973, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad, leg. V. KAVINDRA NATH, CMI No. 205718 (Type).
Holotype: Swaziland, Luyengo, Rossman #1429 Dried culture of isolate, from fungal comb in mounds of Macrotermes ukuzii. 15 ix 1977 (MPPD). Isotype: Swaziland, Luyengo, Rossman 11429. Dried culture of isolate, from fungal comb in mounds of Macrotermes ukuzii. 15 ix 1977 (CUP).
COLONIES on malt agar white to grey becoming brown to black, floccose to appressed, dark ropy strands of conidiophores frequently present. HYPHAE septate, branched, of two types: hyaline to subhyaline, smooth, 1.5-5 (x̄ = 2.8) μm diam, and subhyaline to pale brown, sometimes finely roughened, 2.5-6 (x̄ = 3.4) μm diam. CONIOIOPH0RES micronematous to semi-macronematous, mononematous, frequently funiculose, infrequently branched, septate , subhyaline to pale brown. CONIDIOGEN0US CELLS holoblastic, monoblastic or polyblastic, integrated, intercalary, determinate, cylindric to dolifonn , denticulate following secession of conidia, denticles short cylindric to doliform, 1-4 (x̄ = 2.4) x 1.5-3 (x̄ = 2.2) um. CONIDIA solitary , pleurogenous, mostly verrucose , pale to dark brown, clavate to obovate to obpyriform to broadly or fusiform ellipsoid to reniform, transversely (0 - ) 1-3 (-4)-septate, mostly 2-septate , may be slightly constricted at the septa, rarely with 1-2 oblique or longitudinal septa, 10-17 (x̄ = 13 .9) x 6-12 (x̄ = 8.5) um (I-septate). 14-23 (x̄ = 18.6) x 7-12 (x̄ = 9) um (2-septate). 17 - 25 (x̄ = 21.2) x 7-12 (x̄ = 9) um (3-septate), bases 2-4 (x̄ = 2.6) um diam, with a portion of the conidiogenous cell usually remaining as a basal frill.

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Pseudopithomyces pavgii (V.R. Nath) B.S. Weir, D. Lee in ed.
Pseudopithomyces pavgii (V.R. Nath) B.S. Weir, D. Lee in ed.
Sri Lanka
Pseudopithomyces pavgii (V.R. Nath) B.S. Weir, D. Lee in ed.
United States

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6 July 2023
6 September 2024
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