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Fannia mangerensis Domínguez & Pont, 2014

Scientific name record
Names_NZAC record source
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Fannia mangerensis Domínguez & Pont, 2014: 35–36
Fannia mangerensis Domínguez & Pont, 2014

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New Zealand
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Domínguez & Pont
Domínguez & Pont
Fannia mangerensis Domínguez & Pont, 2014
Fannia mangerensis
The species name refers to Mangere Island in the Chatham Islands where much of the type-series was collected.
Type series only. Holotype ♂, New Zealand, CH. : “N.Z. CHATHAM IS: / S.E.Island, flowers / of Myosotidium, / 2.xi.1970 J. I. Townsend / HOLOTYPE ♂ / Fannia / mangerensis / Domínguez & Pont” (NZAC). Paratypes 11♂ 49♀: Chatham Islands. CH. same data as holotype, 10♂ 8♀ (1♂ each IADIZA, BMNH, OUMNH, rest NZAC); same locality, 2 Nov 1970, 1♀ (NZAC); same locality, 3 Nov 1970, 1♂ (NZAC); same locality, 9 Nov 1970, 1♀ (NZAC); Chatham Islands, Mangere Island, bird guano, 18 Nov 1970, J. I. Townsend, 40♀ (1 IADIZA, 2 each BMNH & OUMNH, rest in NZAC).

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Fannia mangerensis Domínguez & Pont, 2014
Fannia mangerensis Domínguez & Pont, 2014
Fannia mangerensis Domínguez & Pont, 2014
Fannia mangerensis Domínguez & Pont, 2014
Fannia sp. 5

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Fannia mangerensis Domínguez & Pont, 2014
New Zealand
Chatham Islands

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The species name refers to Mangere Island in the Chatham Islands where much of the type-series was collected.
Type series only. Holotype ♂, New Zealand, CH. : “N.Z. CHATHAM IS: / S.E.Island, flowers / of Myosotidium, / 2.xi.1970 J. I. Townsend / HOLOTYPE ♂ / Fannia / mangerensis / Domínguez & Pont” (NZAC). Paratypes 11♂ 49♀: Chatham Islands. CH. same data as holotype, 10♂ 8♀ (1♂ each IADIZA, BMNH, OUMNH, rest NZAC); same locality, 2 Nov 1970, 1♀ (NZAC); same locality, 3 Nov 1970, 1♂ (NZAC); same locality, 9 Nov 1970, 1♀ (NZAC); Chatham Islands, Mangere Island, bird guano, 18 Nov 1970, J. I. Townsend, 40♀ (1 IADIZA, 2 each BMNH & OUMNH, rest in NZAC).

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scientific name
31 March 2015
1 April 2015
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