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Catapodium rigidum (L.) C.E.Hubb.

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Catapodium rigidum (L.) C.E.Hubb. (1953)
Catapodium rigidum (L.) C.E.Hubb.

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New Zealand
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(L.) C.E.Hubb.
Catapodium rigidum

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Catapodium rigidum (L.) C.E.Hubb.

Annual, erect or spreading, rigid tufts, from narrow base, 5-40 cm; branching intravaginal. Leaf-sheath glabrous, ribbed; margins wide, hyaline. Ligule 1.5-3.8 mm, glabrous, truncate, erose. Leaf-blade (0.5)-4-17 cm × 0.6-2.4 mm, flat, finely ribbed and often scabrid on ribs; margins minutely scabrid, narrowed to long, acute tip. Culm (2)-5.5-25 cm, erect, or geniculate at base, internodes glabrous. Panicle (2.3)-4-11 cm, linear-lanceolate to ovate, secund, often rather narrow, sometimes more open, rigid, shortly branched; branches and pedicels angled, scabrid on angles. Spikelets 3.5-10 mm, 4-9-flowered, greenish or sometimes purplish. Glumes subequal, lanceolate, acute, almost hyaline but midnerve prominent, scabrid; lower 1.2-2 mm, 1-3-nerved, upper 1.5-2.5 mm, 3-nerved. Lemma 1.8-2.6 mm, faintly 5-nerved, rounded, obtuse, coriaceous with narrow membranous margins. Palea ≈ lemma, keels minutely scabrid. Anthers 0.4-0.5 mm. Caryopsis 1.5-2 × 0.4-0.6 mm.

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Catapodium rigidum (L.) C.E.Hubb.
Catapodium rigidum (L.) C.E.Hubb.

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Catapodium rigidum (L.) C.E.Hubb.
Catapodium rigidum (L.) C.E.Hubb.
New Zealand
Canterbury Land District
Catapodium rigidum (L.) C.E.Hubb.
New Zealand
Marlborough Land District
Catapodium rigidum (L.) C.E.Hubb.
New Zealand
North Auckland Land District
Catapodium rigidum (L.) C.E.Hubb.
New Zealand
Wellington Land District
Catapodium rigidum (L.) C.E.Hubb.
United Kingdom
New Zealand
Wellington Land District
New Zealand
Westland Land District

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scientific name
1 January 2000
18 March 2016
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