Hydnum mcnabbianum J.A. Cooper
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Hydnum mcnabbianum J.A. Cooper, Index Fungorum
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Hydnum mcnabbianum J.A. Cooper
J.A. Cooper
J.A. Cooper
replacement name
Hydnum mcnabbianum
Under L. ericoides, Auckland; Titirangi, Atkinson Park, ll.v-1965, l.vi.l965. ll.vi-1965, 17.vi.l965, R.F.R. McN., 24519, 24594. 24598, 24596; 20.vi.l965, A. Y. and R.J. McN., 24597; 10.ix.l965, R.F.R. McN. (HOLOTYPE, PDD 24713); 6.vii.l967, R.F.R. McN.
Pileus l-3.5-(5.5) cm diam., applanate or centrally depressed at maturity, occasionally with a deep central excavation, brown, dark brown, or dark reddish brown, surface rupturing to expose the sordid white context beneath at times. Hymenial surface pallid fawn, drying greyish orange; spines non-decurrent but reaching stipe, to 10mm long. crowded, pallid fawn with pinkish tints. Stipe central, occasionally excentric or lateral, 2-4 cm long, 4-12 mm diam., sordid white, creamy brown, or pallid pinkish fawn; flesh concolorous with exterior. Spores globose, subglobose, or occasionally broadly elliptical, hyaline, thin-walled, readily collapsing, 8-9.5 x 7.5-9 µm, smooth.
Gregarious or occasionally caespitose under Leptospermum
Pileus l-3.5- (5.5) cm diam., brunneus, atrobrunneus, vel atrobadius. Spinae non-decurrentes, ad 10 mm longae, confertae. Stipes centralis, interdum eccentricus vel lateralis, 2-4 cm longus, 4-12 mm diam. Sporae globosae, subglobose, vel interdum late ellipticae, hyalinae, tenuiparietes, 8-9.5 x 7.5-9 µm, leves.
Var. badius can be readily distinguished from other varieties of H. crocidens by the dark coloured pileus. It has been found only under Leptospermum.
Typus sub Leptospermo ericoide. Auckland: Titirangi, Atkinson Park. 10.ix.l965, R.F.R. McNabb, PDD 24713.
Taxonomic concepts
Hydnum crocidens var. badium McNabb (1971)
Hydnum crocidens var. badium McNabb (1971)
scientific name
3 March 2023
16 December 2024