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Celmisia sinclairii var. allanii (W.Martin) Saldivia

Scientific name record
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Celmisia sinclairii var. allanii (W.Martin) Saldivia, Phytoneuron 2024-27: 113 (2024)

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(W.Martin) Saldivia
Celmisia sinclairii var. allanii

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Celmisia sinclairii var. allanii (W.Martin) Saldivia
Celmisia sinclairii var. allanii (W.Martin) Saldivia

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We don’t accept placing C. allanii into C. sinclairii. It rests on a widespread mistake over the type and not realising that Martin (1937) lectotypified the species. Distribution: Sounds-Nelson (Gordon Range, Mt Richmond, Mt Fishtail, Starveall, Coldwater Creek), Marlborough (Pinnacle, Tarndale (type locality), Mt Muntz), Westland (Travers Range, St Arnaud Range). Not a common species within its range. The range is quite restricted. J. D. Hooker described this species using several specimens which belong to more than one species as noted by Martin (1937). Martin (1937) chose a lectotype from Tarndale which narrows the species to one lacking hairs on the lower leaf surface. Martin (1937) made a comparison to C. prorepens which also lacks hairs on the lower leaf surface, and gives the same distribution for C. sinclairii as the one listed above. The name has been commonly misapplied to plants in the C. durietzii and the C. discolorincana complex that have hairs present on the lower leaf surface.

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15 September 2024
15 September 2024
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