Juncus australis Hook.f.

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Juncus australis Hook.f. (1858)
Juncus australis Hook.f.
Juncus australis Hook.f.
Juncus australis
Vernacular names
Juncus australis Hook.f.
In loosely packed clumps, often with few stems at the centre; stems 60-120 cm × (1.5)-2-4 mm, blue- or grey-green, ridged, not shining, hard, pith interrupted, rarely continuous, frequently almost wanting; basal bracts chestnut-brown below, the uppermost very lax; inflorescence manyflowered, much-branched or condensed to a globose head greater than 1.5 cm in diameter with one or more side clusters; flowers pale green; tepals 2.2-3.0 mm long; stamens 3, 4, or variable 3-6; capsule 2.3-3 mm long, light greenish brown, with rounded top.
Juncus australis Hook.f.
Loose open clumps; rhizome long. Stems 60-120 cm × (1.5) -2-4 mm dull grey-green to blue-green, ridged, pith almost lacking. Inflorescence very variable, much-branched or a compact head. Stamens usually 3. Capsule 2.3-3 mm long, ± = tepals.
Juncus australis Hook.f.
Broad, loosely packed clumps, often with few stems at the centre; occ. not clump-forming and stems few. Rhizome 3–5 mm. diam., horizontal. Flowering stems 60–120 cm. × (1.5)–2–4 mm., hard, ridged, not shining, blue- or grey-green, pith interrupted, us. almost wanting, rarely continuous; lvs 0; basal bracts chestnut-brown below, the uppermost straw-coloured and very loosely sheathing. Infl. apparently lateral, many-fld, much-branched, with fls clustered at branchlet tips, or condensed to a globose head > 1.5 cm. diam. with 1 or more lateral clusters. Fls 2.2–3 mm. long; tepals pale green, later becoming light brown. Stamens 3, occ. 4, or variable 3–6. Capsule 2.3–3 mm. long, = or occ. slightly > tepals, ovoid to obovoid, obtuse, almost retuse at the tip, pale greenish brown.
Taxonomic concepts
Juncus australis Hook.f.
Juncus australis Hook.f.
Juncus australis Hook.f.
Juncus australis Hook.f.
Juncus australis Hook.f.
Juncus australis Hook.f.
scientific name
1 January 2000