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Cyathicula sp. 'white foot' P.R. Johnst.

Cyathicula sp. 'white foot' P.R. Johnst.
P.R. Johnst.
P.R. Johnst.
invalidly published
Cyathicula sp. 'white foot'
Cyathicula sp. 'white foot' P.R. Johnst.
Cyathicula sp. 'white foot'
Based on ITS analyses, Cyathicula sp. 'white foot' and specimens identified as 'Cudoniella' clavus'C'. tenuispora, Ombrophila violacea and Dendrospora tenella (an asexual aquatic hyphomycete) belong in a clade in Helotiaceae that has a sister relationship to a clade containing the type species of Cyathicula, C. coronata, and the type species of Glarea, G. lozoyensis.
For now I am using Cyathicula as a genus name for this clade just as a matter of convenience: - The type species of Cudoniella, C. queletii, is a synonym of C. acicularis, a member of Tricladiaceae, phylogentically distant from 'C'. acicularis.
 - Ombrophila violacea is the type species of Ombrophila. However, Index Fungorum regards O. violacea as a synonym of O. janthina, and an ITS sequence from a specimen identified as O. janthina by Baral (GenBank KC411996 ex HB7044) places it in Gelatinodiscaceae, phylogenetically distant to the putative O. violacea specimens related to 'Cudoniella' clavus.
 - The type species of Dendrospora, D. erecta, has no DNA sequence data available. Many morphologically-defined genera of aquatic hyphomycetes have subsequently shown to be polyphyletic meaning that the phylogentic position of Dendrospora in uncertain.
While phylogentic considerations are important for deciding generic limits, for a generic concept to be useful to humans, it must also consider morphological and ecological features. These need to be studied in detail before deciding whether the 'Cudoniella' clavus clade should represent a single genus, and what that genus should be named.
Cyathicula sp. 'white foot' has a sister relationship with a specimen from southern Chile (GenBank MT366735, ex FLAS-F-66005), the two species with a 96.5% ITS match.
Taxonomic concepts
taxonomic status
informal herb. name. Based on ITS phylogentically Cyathicula sensu Baral
scientific name
30 August 2019
2 September 2021