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Sabulopteryx botanica Hoare, Patrick & Buckley, 2019

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Hoare, Patrick & Buckley
Hoare, Patrick & Buckley
Sabulopteryx botanica Hoare, Patrick & Buckley, 2019
Sabulopteryx botanica
The species name refers to the close association of this species with botany and botanists. It was discovered by a botanist (AE Esler) as a pressed larva in a botanical specimen of the host plant, and many further leaf-mines have now been found on herbarium sheets collected as part of botanical surveys. Its discovery by BHP as an adult in the type locality, Christchurch Botanic Gardens, completes the association.

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Sabulopteryx botanica Hoare, Patrick & Buckley, 2019
Sabulopteryx botanica Hoare, Patrick & Buckley, 2019
Sabulopteryx botanica Hoare, Patrick & Buckley, 2019

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The species name refers to the close association of this species with botany and botanists. It was discovered by a botanist (AE Esler) as a pressed larva in a botanical specimen of the host plant, and many further leaf-mines have now been found on herbarium sheets collected as part of botanical surveys. Its discovery by BHP as an adult in the type locality, Christchurch Botanic Gardens, completes the association.

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scientific name
23 July 2019
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