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Sematophyllum uncinatum I.G.Stone & G.A.M.Scott

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Sematophyllum uncinatum I.G.Stone & G.A.M.Scott, J. Bryol. 7: 604 (1973)
Sematophyllum uncinatum I.G.Stone & G.A.M.Scott

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Indigenous, non-endemic
New Zealand
Political Region

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I.G.Stone & G.A.M.Scott
I.G.Stone & G.A.M.Scott
Sematophyllum uncinatum I.G.Stone & G.A.M.Scott
Sematophyllum uncinatum

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Hypnum tenuirostre Hook.
Sematophyllum uncinatum I.G.Stone & G.A.M.Scott
Rhaphidorrhynchium tenuirostre (Hook.) Mitt.
Sematophyllum uncinatum I.G.Stone & G.A.M.Scott
Sematophyllum tenuirostre (Hook.) Dixon
Sematophyllum uncinatum I.G.Stone & G.A.M.Scott
Sematophyllum uncinatum I.G.Stone & G.A.M.Scott
Sematophyllum uncinatum I.G.Stone & G.A.M.Scott
Sematophyllum uncinatum I.G.Stone & G.A.M.Scott
Sematophyllum uncinatum I.G.Stone & G.A.M.Scott
Sematophyllum uncinatum I.G.Stone & G.A.M.Scott

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Sematophyllum uncinatum I.G.Stone & G.A.M.Scott
Sematophyllum uncinatum I.G.Stone & G.A.M.Scott
New Zealand
Sematophyllum uncinatum I.G.Stone & G.A.M.Scott
New Zealand
Canterbury Land District
Sematophyllum uncinatum I.G.Stone & G.A.M.Scott
New Zealand
Gisborne Land District
Sematophyllum uncinatum I.G.Stone & G.A.M.Scott
New Zealand
Marlborough Land District
Sematophyllum uncinatum I.G.Stone & G.A.M.Scott
New Zealand
Nelson Land District
Sematophyllum uncinatum I.G.Stone & G.A.M.Scott
New Zealand
North Auckland Land District
Sematophyllum uncinatum I.G.Stone & G.A.M.Scott
New Zealand
Otago Land District
Sematophyllum uncinatum I.G.Stone & G.A.M.Scott
New Zealand
Southland Land District
Sematophyllum uncinatum I.G.Stone & G.A.M.Scott
New Zealand
Taranaki Land District
Sematophyllum uncinatum I.G.Stone & G.A.M.Scott
New Zealand
Wellington Land District
Sematophyllum uncinatum I.G.Stone & G.A.M.Scott
New Zealand
Westland Land District

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The epithet means hook-shaped and refers to the strongly secund, usually ± falcate leaves.

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scientific name
1 January 2000
27 July 2020
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