Recorded name | Association type | Associated organism (recorded name) | Associated organism (current name) | Country | Reference |
Rubus allegheniensis Porter | is host of |
Glomerella cingulata (Stoneman) Spauld. & H. Schrenk 1903
Colletotrichum gloeosporioides (Penz.) Penz. & Sacc. 1884
Canada | PDD (Records from Canada.) |
Rubus allegheniensis Porter | is host of |
Kuehneola uredinis (Link) Arthur 1906
Kuehneola uredinis (Link) Arthur 1906
Canada | PDD (Records from Canada.) |
Rubus allegheniensis Porter | is host of |
Sphaerotheca alchemillae (Grev.) L. Junell 1965
Podosphaera aphanis (Wallr.) U. Braun & S. Takam. 2000
Canada | PDD (Records from Canada.) |
scientific name
28 January 2019