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Scinaia firma Levring

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Scinaia firma Levring, Ark. Bot. 3: 419, fig 5, 6 (1956)
Scinaia firma Levring

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419, fig 5, 6
Scinaia firma Levring
Scinaia firma
"Hab.: Wellington, Lyall Bay (Levring and Miss Adams)." There are two specimens of this species in Levring (GB), one of which is clearly labelled as the Holotype (Lyall Bay, 10 Mar 1948), and is documented in Andersson & Athanasiadis (1992). The other specimen is also from Lyall Bay collected by N. M. Adams (23 Mar 1944) and is a duplicate of CHR 44556.

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Scinaia firma Levring
New Zealand
Wellington Land District

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"Hab.: Wellington, Lyall Bay (Levring and Miss Adams)." There are two specimens of this species in Levring (GB), one of which is clearly labelled as the Holotype (Lyall Bay, 10 Mar 1948), and is documented in Andersson & Athanasiadis (1992). The other specimen is also from Lyall Bay collected by N. M. Adams (23 Mar 1944) and is a duplicate of CHR 44556.

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19 July 2023
19 July 2023
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