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Macowanites tapawera T. Lebel 2002

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Macowanites tapawera T. Lebel, New Zealand J. Bot. 40 507 (2002)

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T. Lebel
T. Lebel
Macowanites tapawera T. Lebel 2002
NZ holotype
Macowanites tapawera
New Zealand, Nelson, Tapawera Rd, J. Trappe 12607, M. Castellano & M. Amaranthus s.n., 25 Sep 19928, holotype PDD 83696 , isotype MEL 206348, OSC

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Macowanites tapawera T. Lebel 2002

SPECIMENS EXAMINED: SOUTH ISLAND: NELSON: Murchison, Tapawera Rd, R. E. Beever, M. Castellano, & M. Amaranthus s.n. [Trappe12611], 15 Sep 1992, MEL 2063485; Tapawera Rd, M. Amaranthus s.n. [Trappe 12619], 25 Sep 1992, PDD; Tapawera Rd, J. Trappe 12615, 25 Sep 1992, PDD; Tapawera Rd, M. Castellano & M. Amaranthuss.n. [Trappe 12609], 25 Sep 1992, MEL 2063487; Tapawera Rd, J. Trappe 12622, 25 Sep 1992, MEL 2063486; Tapawera Rd, J. Trappe & R.E. Beever s.n. [Trappe 12621], 25 Sep 1992, MEL, OSC. BULLER: west bank of Matakitaki River by Johnson Creek, J. Trappe 12573, 24 Sep 1992, PDD, OSC.
Basidiomata 3-9(15) x 5-13(27) mm, subglobose to irregular, indented slightly at central base. Peridial surface dry, smooth or radially furrowed at base, white to pale olivaceous, bruising pale purple-brown to black on some specimens. Gleba white to ivory in youth, in age developing brown areas, loculate, chambers small, compressed. Stipe absent or rarely present, 1-3 x 1-2 mm, white, solid, enclosed by gleba. Columella 0.5-3 mm wide, percurrent or not, present in most basidiomata, sordid white. Odour not distinctive; taste mild. Latex absent. Peridiopellis 30-64 µm wide, a trichodermium of septate, inflated hyphae 4-11 µm diam., appearing as irregularly shaped cells, with terminal cells a dense to patchy turf of upright to repent, elongated clavate or cylindrical, cystidia 35-53 x 5-9.5 µm, with granular contents refractive in KOH. Peridial context 35-80 µm wide, of short, interwoven, ± parallel,hyaline hyphae, 1.5-3.5 µm diam.; sphaerocysts absent. Endocystidia and laticiferous hyphae absent. Stipitipellis when present 7-13 µm wide, a cutis of hyphae 2-4 µm diam. Stipe context of interwoven, hyaline hyphae 2-4 µm diam. Hymenophoral trama 16-28 µm wide, of interwoven, hyaline hyphae 1-3 µm diam., sphaerocysts absent. Subhymenium 9-17 µm wide, cellular-ramose, with 1-3 tiers of ±isodiametric cells 4-13 x 4-10 µm. Basidia 25-35x 10-12 µm, broadly clavate to clavate, hyaline, with 4 slightly incurved sterigmata 5-7 µm long. Cystidia 39-60 x 8-11 µm, clavate to cylindrical or fusoid, with obtuse to shortly rostrate apices and granular contents, refractive in KOH; especially abundant in immature basidiomata, arising in subhymenium, protruding beyond basidia. Spores 10-12(14) x 9-10.5(14) µm (10.78 ± 0.68 x 9.6 ± 0.58), Q = 1.1-1.16, subglobose to ellipsoid, orthotropic. Ornamentation amyloid, of isolated warts and lowridges of warts, connected into short branching lines, 0.5-0.8 µm high, sometimes in a partial reticulum; some spores with only the apices of warts and ridges amyloid. Hilar appendix small, 1-2 x 1 µm, central, hyaline, inconspicuous; plage absent. Spore colour in mass cream colour.
HABITAT AND DISTRIBUTION: Hypogeous in small groups under leaf litter in Nothofagus forest orLeptospermum scoparium thickets. Fruiting period: Sep.
Gasterocarpus 3-9(15) x 5-13(27) mm, subglobosus vel irregularis. Peridium albidum vel pallidoolivaceum interdum contusum ubi pallidum atropurpureo-brunneum vel fuligineum. Gleba albida vel eburnea, in maturitas maculis brunneus, loculata. Stipes nullus vel rarus, albidus; columella albida, interdum percurrens. Peridiopellis trichodermium, ex hyphis inflatus 4-11 µm latis subter caespite ex cystidiis terminalis erectis vel repentibus, 35-53 x 5-9.5 µm compositum. Basidia 25-35 x 10-12 µm, 4 sporigera. Cystidia 39-60 x 8-11 µm, abundans. Sporae 10-12(14) x 9-10.5(14) µm, subglobosae vel ellipsoidae, amyloideae, verruculis seggregatis vel lineis brevis ramosis interdum connexis vel reticulatis partiali, 0.5-0.8 µm altis ornatae.

ETYMOLOGY: Specific epithet refers to the collection location of the holotype, Tapawera Rd.

NOTES: Macowanites tapawera is one of the few species of sequestrate Russulales from Australia or New Zealand with an olivaceous tint to the peridium and in which the peridium bruises purple-brown to black in some specimens. As such it differs significantly from other New Zealand species, which range in peridial colour from white to brown or red. Macowanites tapawera is the only species with clavate peridial cystidia (35-55 µm long); the peridiopellii of other New Zealand taxa are comprised of fusoid or ventricose cystidia (10-25 µm long) or of hyphal tips. The only other New Zealand species with low, partially reticulate spore ornamentation, Gymnomyces parvisaxoides, may be differentiated from M. tapawera by the white peridium with pale yellow or orange-brown patches and lack of clavate peridial cystidia and large hymenial cystidia.

HOLOTYPUS (hic designatus): New Zealand, Nelson, Tapawera Rd, J. Trappe 12607, M. Castellano & M. Amaranthus s.n., 25 Sep 1992, PDD (isotype MEL 2063488, OSC).

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Macowanites tapawera T. Lebel 2002
Macowanites tapawera T. Lebel
Macowanites tapawera T. Lebel 2002
Macowanites tapawera T. Lebel (2002)
Macowanites tapawera T. Lebel 2002
Macowanites tapawera T. Lebel (2002)
Macowanites tapawera T. Lebel 2002
Macowanites tapawera T. Lebel (2002)

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Macowanites tapawera T. Lebel 2002
New Zealand
Macowanites tapawera T. Lebel 2002
New Zealand

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New Zealand, Nelson, Tapawera Rd, J. Trappe 12607, M. Castellano & M. Amaranthus s.n., 25 Sep 19928, holotype PDD 83696 , isotype MEL 206348, OSC

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29 October 2002
27 July 2011
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