Dracophyllum elegantissimum S.Venter

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Dracophyllum elegantissimum S.Venter, New Zealand J. Bot. 42: 38-42 (2004)
Dracophyllum elegantissimum S.Venter
Dracophyllum elegantissimum S.Venter
Dracophyllum elegantissimum
Dracophyllum elegantissimum S.Venter
Tree 5–14 m tall with a single stem. Branches form a closed candelabrumshaped crown. Bark on old stems light brown and flaky, on branchlets glabrous and yellowish brown. Leaves crowded at tips of branches in a bromelioid manner, old leaves sometimes present; lamina sheath light brown, 22–58 × 13–43 mm, coriaceous, striate, margin not membranous, shoulder tapering with a smooth margin; lamina coriaceous, light to mid green, linear to linear-triangular, 330–1000 × 10– 20(–32) mm, glabrous, prominently striated; margin cartilaginous, serrulate with 15–24 teeth per 10 mm; apex acute and prominently curled. Inflorescence a terminal panicle, shorter than the leaves, erect, dense, 190–320 mm long, pyramidal, densely branched; rachis and pedicels tomentose; inflorescence axis light green, 10.6–13.5(–14) mm diam. at base; basal inflorescence branch 38–42(–55) mm long, widely spreading (50–90°); inflorescence bracts caducous, longer than flower, coriaceous, light green, ovate-triangular at base, 270–610 × 30– 45 mm, glabrous; margin entire; apex acute. Flowers 600–1000+, arranged in groups of >10 on the basal inflorescence branches; bracteole caducous, shorter than flower, linear, 2.0–6.5(–8.0) × 0.5–1.0(– 1.5) mm, glabrous; pedicel straight, green, 0.5– 2.0 mm long, tomentose. Sepals green, broadly ovate, 1–2 × 1.0–1.5 mm, shorter than corolla tube, striate, glabrous; margin ciliate; apex subacute to obtuse. Corolla light to dark pink; corolla tube campanulate, widened at mouth, 1–2 × 1.3–2.0 mm, exterior glabrous; corolla lobes spreading horizontally to reflexed, ovate-triangular, shorter than corolla tube, 1.2–1.4 × 1.0–1.3 mm; glabrous, apex obtuse. Stamens inserted at top of corolla tube; filament 0.3–0.5 mm long; anthers exserted, rectangular, young anthers pink, deep yellow when mature, 0.9–1.3 mm long. Ovary globose, 1.0–1.5 × 1.3– 1.5 mm; apex tapering and glabrous; nectary scales separate, rectangular, 0.6–1.0 × 0.5–1.0 mm, apices subacute to irregularly toothed; style exserted, 1.5– 1.7 mm long, glabrous, lengthening in fruit; stigma clavate. Fruit not enclosed in persistent sepals, reddish brown, 1.2–1.5 × 1.5–1.8 mm, depressed-globose; apex round and glabrous. Seed yellowish brown, filiform, 0.7–0.8 mm long with a slightly reticulated testa. FL Dec–Feb; FT Feb–Mar.
Dracophyllum traversii affine sed foliis longioribus, angostioribusque apice contorto, bracteis inflorescentiae longioribus, sepalis aut lobis corollae brevioribusque quam tubo ejus, squamis nectariorum margine denticulato, ovario minore differt. Affinisque D. latifolio sed bracteis inflorescentiae longioribus, corollae tubo minore, lobis corollae brevioribus quam tubo, filamentis brevioribus, squamis nectariorum angustioribus, ovario minore discedit.
Taxonomic concepts
Dracophyllum elegantissimum S.Venter
Dracophyllum elegantissimum S.Venter
Dracophyllum elegantissimum S.Venter
Dracophyllum elegantissimum S.Venter
Dracophyllum elegantissimum S.Venter
Dracophyllum elegantissimum S.Venter
Dracophyllum elegantissimum S.Venter
Dracophyllum elegantissimum S.Venter
Dracophyllum elegantissimum S.Venter
Type:NewZealand. Abel Tasman National Park, Rameka Track, 28 Jan. 2001. S. Venter 13827 (holo: CHR!; iso: AK!, K!, NSW!, P!, WELT!).
The epithet elegantissimum refers to the graceful and slender habit of the canopy and the long slender leaves, which is a distinctive feature of the species.
scientific name
13 May 2004
26 January 2021