Houdinia flexilissima Hoare, Dugdale & Watts, 2006

Houdinia flexilissima Hoare, Dugdale & Watts, 2006: 576–580
Houdinia flexilissima Hoare, Dugdale & Watts, 2006
Hoare, Dugdale & Watts
Hoare, Dugdale & Watts
Houdinia flexilissima Hoare, Dugdale & Watts, 2006
Houdinia flexilissima
The specific name ‘flexilissima’ (superlative of the Latin adjective ‘flexilis’) means ‘very flexible or ‘pliable’. It refers to the extraordinary larva of the new species.
Holotype. ♂, New Zealand, WO, 37.19S, 175.27E, Torehape wetland (mine site), emg. 21 Oct 2004, R. Hoare, C. Watts; larva / pupa in stem of Sporadanthus ferrugineus 14 Oct 2004.
Paratypes. New Zealand: WO, 6♂, 6♀, same data as holotype, but emg. 23.x (2♂♂), 24.x (1♂), 25.x (1♂ (NZAC), 1♀(CSNZ)), 26.x (1♂), 27.x (1♂, 2♀), 28.x (1♀), 29.x (2♀♀); 2♂♂, 5♀♀ (NZAC), 2♂♂, 1♀ (CSNZ), 1♂, 1♀ (BMNH), 1♂, 1♀ (MZH), same locality, disturbed from Sporadanthus ferrugineus by day, 30.x.2004, R. Hoare, C. Watts ; 1♀, 37.19.3S, 175.27.6E, Torehape wetland (Dept. of Conservation Reserve), at night, 14.x.2004, R. Hoare, C. Watts, A. Emmerson; 2♂♂, 1♀, 37.57S, 175.23E, Moanatuatua Swamp, emg. 25.x (1♂), 28.x.2004 (1♂, 1♀), C. Watts, larvae / pupae in stems of Sporadanthus ferrugineus x.2004.
Taxonomic concepts
Houdinia flexilissima Hoare, Dugdale & Watts, 2006
Houdinia flexilissima Hoare, Dugdale & Watts
Houdinia flexilissima Hoare, Dugdale & Watts, 2006
Houdinia flexilissima Hoare, Dugdale & Watts
Houdinia flexilissima Hoare, Dugdale & Watts, 2006
Houdinia flexilissima Hoare, Dugdale & Watts, 2006
Houdinia flexilissima Hoare, Dugdale & Watts
Houdinia flexilissima Hoare, Dugdale & Watts, 2006
Holotype. ♂, New Zealand, WO, 37.19S, 175.27E, Torehape wetland (mine site), emg. 21 Oct 2004, R. Hoare, C. Watts; larva / pupa in stem of Sporadanthus ferrugineus 14 Oct 2004.
Paratypes. New Zealand: WO, 6♂, 6♀, same data as holotype, but emg. 23.x (2♂♂), 24.x (1♂), 25.x (1♂ (NZAC), 1♀(CSNZ)), 26.x (1♂), 27.x (1♂, 2♀), 28.x (1♀), 29.x (2♀♀); 2♂♂, 5♀♀ (NZAC), 2♂♂, 1♀ (CSNZ), 1♂, 1♀ (BMNH), 1♂, 1♀ (MZH), same locality, disturbed from Sporadanthus ferrugineus by day, 30.x.2004, R. Hoare, C. Watts ; 1♀, 37.19.3S, 175.27.6E, Torehape wetland (Dept. of Conservation Reserve), at night, 14.x.2004, R. Hoare, C. Watts, A. Emmerson; 2♂♂, 1♀, 37.57S, 175.23E, Moanatuatua Swamp, emg. 25.x (1♂), 28.x.2004 (1♂, 1♀), C. Watts, larvae / pupae in stems of Sporadanthus ferrugineus x.2004.
The specific name ‘flexilissima’ (superlative of the Latin adjective ‘flexilis’) means ‘very flexible or ‘pliable’. It refers to the extraordinary larva of the new species.
scientific name
8 March 2011
7 April 2015