Leptospermum tairawhitiense G.J. Atkins, de Lange & M.A.M. Renner

Leptospermum tairawhitiense G.J. Atkins, de Lange & M.A.M. Renner in de Lange et al., Ukr. Bot. J. 80: 388 (2023)
Leptospermum tairawhitiense G.J. Atkins, de Lange & M.A.M. Renner
G.J. Atkins, de Lange & M.A.M. Renner
G.J. Atkins, de Lange & M.A.M. Renner
Leptospermum tairawhitiense G.J. Atkins, de Lange & M.A.M. Renner
Leptospermum tairawhitiense
The epithet “tairawhitiense” is taken from ‘te tai rāwhiti’ meaning the ‘coast of the sunrise’ which is the te reo Māori name for the East Cape region of Te Ika a Māui / North Island, of Aotearoa / New Zealand (Clarkson, Garnock-Jones,
1996) in which the new species is endemic.
Type: AOTEAROA / NEW ZEALAND, Te Ika a Māui / North Island, Tairāwhiti / East Cape, Anaura Bay Road, Latitude 38.294165 S, Longitude 178.303725 E, 123 m a.s.l., P.J. de Lange 15510 & L.K.M. Fisher, 31 Oct 2022. Holotype: spread over two sheets comprising adult flowering, fruiting material (AK386385A), and a sucker (AK386385B) arising from the trunk base of the same plant. Isotypes: NSW, UNITEC, WELT
Taxonomic concepts
Leptospermum tairawhitiense G.J. Atkins, de Lange & M.A.M. Renner
Leptospermum tairawhitiense G.J. Atkins, de Lange & M.A.M. Renner
Leptospermum tairawhitiense G.J. Atkins, de Lange & M.A.M. Renner
Type: AOTEAROA / NEW ZEALAND, Te Ika a Māui / North Island, Tairāwhiti / East Cape, Anaura Bay Road, Latitude 38.294165 S, Longitude 178.303725 E, 123 m a.s.l., P.J. de Lange 15510 & L.K.M. Fisher, 31 Oct 2022. Holotype: spread over two sheets comprising adult flowering, fruiting material (AK386385A), and a sucker (AK386385B) arising from the trunk base of the same plant. Isotypes: NSW, UNITEC, WELT
The epithet “tairawhitiense” is taken from ‘te tai rāwhiti’ meaning the ‘coast of the sunrise’ which is the te reo Māori name for the East Cape region of Te Ika a Māui / North Island, of Aotearoa / New Zealand (Clarkson, Garnock-Jones,
1996) in which the new species is endemic.
scientific name
5 November 2023
5 November 2023