Cuphophyllus griseorufescens (E. Horak) Lodge & Padamsee 2013

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Cuphophyllus griseorufescens (E. Horak) Lodge & Padamsee, Fungal Diversity 81 (2013)
Cuphophyllus griseorufescens (E. Horak) Lodge & Padamsee 2013
Lodge & Padamsee
E. Horak
(E. Horak) Lodge & Padamsee
Cuphophyllus griseorufescens
SPECIMEN: NZ: WL, Poerua Lake, Camp Creek, ZT 2093.
Pileus -50 mm, broadly campanulate becoming expanded or concave with (and rarely without) obtuse umbo; grey, occasionally with pale lilac or brown tinge over disc, dry, minutely fibrillose, hygrophanous, margin striate. - Lamellae 10-15 (1 -3) arcuate to decurrent, sometimes with emarginate tooth, often anastomosing, pale grey, often with fuliginous or brown tinge, edges concolorous, entire, obtuse. - Stipe 20-60 x 2-5 mm, cylindrical, equal but often attenuated at base; whitish to silver grey when young, base changing to pink or orange-red in aged basidiomes; dry, glabrous or minutely fibrillose, hollow, brittle, single or caespitose. - Context grey in pileus and upper portion of stipe, pink to orange in base of stipe. - Odour and taste not distinctive. - Chemical reactions on pileus: KOH - negative. Spores 5.5-7 x 4.5-5.5 um, subglobose to broadly ovoid. –Basidia 30-50 x 6-7 um, 4-spored. - Cystidia absent. - Pileipellis a cutis of interwoven, Cylindrical hyphae (3-8 um diam.), membrane not gelatinised, minutely encrusted with pigment; clamp connections present (Pl. l, Fig.5).
ECOLOGY: Scattered; saprobic on soil among litter in broadleaved-conifer forests (Metrosideros, Weinmannia, Schefflera. Dacrydium, Podocarpus). March-June.
Pileus -50 mm. campanulatus dein depressus vel concavoumbonatus, griseus, siccus. Lamellae decurrentes, pileo concolores. Stipes 20-60 x 2-5 mm, cylindricus, argenteogriseus, rufescens ad basim. siccus. Sporae 5.57 x 4.5-5.5 um, subglobosae, leves, inamyloideae. Septa fibulata. Ad terram in silvis. Novazelandia. Holotypus PDD 27230.
ETYMOLOGY: griseus = grey; rufescens = reddening.
One of the most distinctive macroscopic characters of this taxon is the reddening context in the base of the stipe. For this reason, in the field Camarophyllus griseorufescens can be taken for Hygrophorus gloriae whose pileus colour occasionally ranges from grey to soot brown. The two taxa differ, however, by the odour, and - even more significantly - by the size and the shape of the spores.
TYPE: NZ: NA, Little Barrier Island, Mt Hauturu, in mixed forest,12 vi 1981, Horak, PDD 27230.
Taxonomic concepts
Camarophyllus griseorufescens E. Horak (1990)
Camarophyllus griseorufescens E. Horak (1990)
Camarophyllus griseorufescens E. Horak 1990
Cuphophyllus griseorufescens (E. Horak) Lodge & Padamsee 2013
Camarophyllus griseorufescens E. Horak (1990)
Camarophyllus griseorufescens E. Horak (1990)
Camarophyllus griseorufescens E. Horak (1990)
Cuphophyllus griseorufescens (E. Horak) Lodge & Padamsee 2013
Cuphophyllus griseorufescens (E. Horak) Lodge & Padamsee 2013
Cuphophyllus griseorufescens (E. Horak) Lodge & Padamsee 2013
Global name resources
Identification keys
scientific name
8 November 2013
17 April 2019