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Sagola kahurangiensis Park & Carlton, 2014

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Sagola kahurangiensis Park & Carlton, 2014: 85–86
Sagola kahurangiensis Park & Carlton, 2014

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New Zealand
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Park & Carlton
Park & Carlton
Sagola kahurangiensis Park & Carlton, 2014
Sagola kahurangiensis
Type Material. Holotype. NEW ZEALAND: Nelson: 1♂ (NZAC), aedeagus dissected and mounted in balsam on a clear plastic card, “NEW ZEALAND: NN: Kahurangi N.P., track Mt. Arthur Hut to Mt. Arthur Summit, 1550m, 41″13′S, 172″42′E, 19 xii 2005, subalpine area; FMHD#2005-115, berl., sifted tussocks, speargrass & daisy litter, A. Solodovnikov & D. Clarke; ANMT site 1182”, “HOLOTYPE Sagola kahurangiensis Park and Carlton 2013”. Paratype (1 male). NEW ZEALAND: Nelson: 1♂ (FMNH), same data as holotype (FMNH).

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Sagola kahurangiensis Park & Carlton, 2014
Sagola kahurangiensis Park & Carlton, 2014
Sagola kahurangiensis Park & Carlton, 2014

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Sagola kahurangiensis Park & Carlton, 2014
New Zealand

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Type Material. Holotype. NEW ZEALAND: Nelson: 1♂ (NZAC), aedeagus dissected and mounted in balsam on a clear plastic card, “NEW ZEALAND: NN: Kahurangi N.P., track Mt. Arthur Hut to Mt. Arthur Summit, 1550m, 41″13′S, 172″42′E, 19 xii 2005, subalpine area; FMHD#2005-115, berl., sifted tussocks, speargrass & daisy litter, A. Solodovnikov & D. Clarke; ANMT site 1182”, “HOLOTYPE Sagola kahurangiensis Park and Carlton 2013”. Paratype (1 male). NEW ZEALAND: Nelson: 1♂ (FMNH), same data as holotype (FMNH).

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scientific name
13 July 2015
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