Heliohebe hulkeana subsp. evestita Garn.-Jones

Heliohebe hulkeana subsp. evestita Garn.-Jones, New Zealand J. Bot. 31: 331 (1993)
Heliohebe hulkeana subsp. evestita Garn.-Jones
Heliohebe hulkeana subsp. evestita
Heliohebe hulkeana subsp. evestita Garn.-Jones
Stems usually glabrous throughout, rarely sparsely puberulent when young, hairs glandular and eglandular; eglandular stem hairs recurved. Leaves erecto-patent; lamina lanceolate, rhomboid, or rarely elliptic, (15-)30-50(-60) × (8-) 15-20(-25) mm; apex acute, apiculate, or rarely obtuse; marginal teeth in 5-10(-15) pairs; adaxial surface glabrous or with minute twin-headed glandular hairs on midrib; abaxial surface glabrous. Petiole (8-)10-20(-25) mm long. Rachis glabrous basally, individual rachises of racemes glandularpuberulent or sparsely puberulent. Pedicels glabrous or glandular-puberulent, 0-1 mm long. Calyx 2 3 mm long; lobes lanceolate, ovate, or deltoid, acuminate or acute, glandular-ciliolate or with mixed glandular and eglandular cilia. Corolla tube cylindric to narrowly funnelform; lobes glabrous. Stamen filaments inserted about middle of corolla tube, c. 1 mm long. Nectarial disk ciliolate or glabrous. Ovary glabrous or eglandular or glandular hairy (hairs short), 0.7-1.0 × 0.6-0.9 mm, 0.5-0.7 mm thick. Capsule 3.5-4.5 mm long, 2.0-2.5(-3.0) mm thick, usually glabrous, sometimes with unicellular eglandular or glandular hairs. Loculicidal split of capsule extending 1/3-way to base. FL Nov, FT Jan- Feb(-Mar).
A subsp. hulkeana cauiibus petiolis et inflorescentiis glabratis vel pilis sparsis indutis, saepe glandulosis; tubis calycis glabratis, lobis calycis acutis vel acuminatis, ciliis marginurn sparsis, saepe nonnullis glandulosis differt.
Taxonomic concepts
Heliohebe hulkeana subsp. evestita Garn.-Jones
Heliohebe hulkeana subsp. evestita Garn.-Jones
Heliohebe hulkeana subsp. evestita Garn.-Jones
Heliohebe hulkeana subsp. evestita Garn.-Jones
Heliohebe hulkeana subsp. evestita Garn.-Jones
Heliohebe hulkeana subsp. evestita Garn.-Jones
Heliohebe hulkeana subsp. evestita Garn.-Jones
Heliohebe hulkeana subsp. evestita Garn.-Jones
Heliohebe hulkeana subsp. evestita Garn.-Jones
Heliohebe hulkeana subsp. evestita Garn.-Jones
Heliohebe hulkeana subsp. evestita Garn.-Jones
The epithet evestita is derived from e-, without, and vestita, furnished with hairs, a reference to the sparse to absent hairs on stems compared with subsp. hulkeana.
scientific name
1 January 2000
4 January 2023