Hymenotorrendiella grisea (P.R. Johnst. & Gamundí) P.R. Johnst. 2014

T. grisea, known only from Nothofagus dombeyi, is characterised by the pale brown setae that are swollen and hyaline at the apex. Although unusual for Torrendiella, at least one other species, an undescribed species from Epacridaceae from Australia and New Zealand, has the same kind of setae (P.R. Johnston, unpubl. data). The setae of these fungi are very like those of Zoellneria rosarum, the type of Zoellneria; however that genus differs from Torrendiella in other respects (see Introduction). The 3-layered nature of the ectal excipulum is poorly developed in T. grisea.
Note that the collections BAFC 20267a and 20347 were recorded erroneously by Gamundí (1962) as Zoellneria eucalypti.