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Myosotis venticola Meudt & Prebble

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Meudt & Prebble
Meudt & Prebble
Myosotis venticola Meudt & Prebble
Myosotis venticola
The epithet venticola means ‘wind-dwelling’ or ‘inhabiting windy areas’ and comes from the Latin words ventus, meaning ‘wind’ (Stearn 1998), and cola, meaning ‘dweller’. The epithet refers to the very windy alpine habitats in which plants of this species occur, and is a tribute to the formidable gales we encountered when collecting specimens of it in the Dunstan Mountains.

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Myosotis venticola Meudt & Prebble
Myosotis venticola Meudt & Prebble
Myosotis venticola Meudt & Prebble

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The epithet venticola means ‘wind-dwelling’ or ‘inhabiting windy areas’ and comes from the Latin words ventus, meaning ‘wind’ (Stearn 1998), and cola, meaning ‘dweller’. The epithet refers to the very windy alpine habitats in which plants of this species occur, and is a tribute to the formidable gales we encountered when collecting specimens of it in the Dunstan Mountains.

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scientific name
18 October 2022
18 October 2022
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