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Asplenium appendiculatum (Labill.) C.Presl

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Asplenium appendiculatum (Labill.) C.Presl, Tent. Pterid. 106 (1836)
Asplenium appendiculatum (Labill.) C.Presl

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Indigenous, non-endemic
New Zealand
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(Labill.) C.Presl
Asplenium appendiculatum

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Rhizome short, erect, bearing dark brown subulate scales up to 15 × 2 mm. Stipes 5-15 cm long, brown below, green above, covered in subulate to narrowly triangular scales with long filiform apices (Fig. 24J-N, Q-V). Laminae lanceolate to elliptic, 10-30 × 5-20 cm, dark green, leathery or very thick and fleshy, slightly drooping or stiff and upright, bi- to tripinnate. Raches green, scaly, prominently ridged. Pinnae 7-20 pairs, those at the base ovate, those above very narrowly ovate or elliptic, acute to acuminate, stalked, 3-10 × 0.5-3 cm, covered on underside in tiny scales. Upper pinnules linear, acute, entire and sessile; lower pinnules ovate to narrowly elliptic and pinnatifid or pinnate, up to 30 × 10 mm. Sori submarginal, 2-7 mm long. Spores (38)43-51(56) mcm long, (25)29-34(38) mcm wide (14 populations), perispore prominently winged and ridged (Fig. 30 O-R). 288 chromosomes in the sporophyte; 144 bivalents at meiosis.
Rhizoma breve, erectum, paleis fuscis subulatis usque ad 15 × 2 mm obtectum. Stipes 5—15 cm longus, infra fuscus, supra viridis, paleis subulatis vel anguste triangularibus cum apicibus longis filiformibus vestitus (Fig. 24J-N, Q-V). Lamina lanceolata vel elliptica, 10-30 × 5-20 cm, atroviridis, coriacea aut crassissima carnosaque, cernua aut rigida erectaque, bi- vel tri-pinnata. Rhachis viridis, squamata, manifeste canaliculata. Pinnae 7-20 jugatae, inferiores ovatae, superiores peranguste ovatae vel ellipticae, acutae vel acuminatae, 3-10 × 0.5-3 cm, paleis minutis infra vestitae. Pinnulae superiores lineares acutae integrae sessilesque; inferiores ovatae vel anguste ellipticae, pinnatifidae vel pinnatae, petiolatae, usque ad 30 X 10 mm. Sori submarginales, 2-7 mm longi. Sporae (38)43-51(56) mcm longae, (25)29-34(38) mcm latae, perisporae manifeste alatae cristataeque (Fig. 30 O-R). Numerus somaticus chromosomatum 288; in meiosi paria 144 observantur.

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Asplenium appendiculatum (Labill.) C.Presl
Asplenium appendiculatum (Labill.) C.Presl
Asplenium appendiculatum (Labill.) C.Presl
Asplenium appendiculatum (Labill.) C.Presl
Asplenium appendiculatum (Labill.) C.Presl
Asplenium appendiculatum (Labill.) C.Presl
Asplenium appendiculatum (Labill.) C.Presl
Asplenium appendiculatum (Labill.) C.Presl
Asplenium terrestre Brownsey
Asplenium appendiculatum (Labill.) C.Presl
Asplenium terrestre Brownsey
Asplenium appendiculatum (Labill.) C.Presl

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Asplenium appendiculatum (Labill.) C.Presl
New Zealand
Canterbury Land District
Asplenium appendiculatum (Labill.) C.Presl
New Zealand
Hawke's Bay Land District
Asplenium appendiculatum (Labill.) C.Presl
New Zealand
Marlborough Land District
Asplenium appendiculatum (Labill.) C.Presl
New Zealand
Nelson Land District
Asplenium appendiculatum (Labill.) C.Presl
New Zealand
Southland Land District
Asplenium appendiculatum (Labill.) C.Presl
New Zealand
Taranaki Land District
Asplenium appendiculatum (Labill.) C.Presl
New Zealand
Westland Land District
New Zealand
Canterbury Land District
New Zealand
Otago Land District

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scientific name
1 January 2000
24 July 2017
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