Rhodococcus jostii Takeuchi et al. 2002

Rhodococcus jostii Takeuchi et al., Int. J. Syst. Evol. Microbiol. 52 (2002)
Rhodococcus jostii Takeuchi et al. 2002
Takeuchi et al.
Takeuchi et al.
Rhodococcus jostii Takeuchi et al. 2002
Rhodococcus jostii
Rhodococcus jostii Takeuchi et al. 2002
Cells are aerobic, non-motile and Gram-positive. The substrate mycelium, which is often fragmented into rods or coccoid elements, penetrates into agar media. The cells are irregular rods, which form filaments (0.4–0.6 x 8–12 µm) in the early growth phase and form mostly cocci or short rods (0.2–0.5 x 7–3 µm) during the exponential growth phase. The colonies are light pink, opaque and convex with slightly irregular edges on PY agar. Grows optimally at 15–30 °C, but does not grow at 37 °C. Catalase- and β-galactosidase positive and urease-, DNase- and lecithinase-negative. Tyrosine is hydrolysed. Aesculin, gelatin, Tween 80, casein and starch are not hydrolysed. Maltose, mannitol, N-acetylglucosamine, sodium succinate, sodium fumarate, m-hydroxybutyrate, p-hydroxybenzoate and quinate are utilized as sole carbon and energy sources. -Galactose, -rhamnose, -ribose, inositol, sorbitol, sucrose, glycerol, trehalose, sodium malate, sodium citrate, sodium lactate, proline, -serine and - leucine are not utilized. Acid is produced from glucose, mannitol, fructose, xylose and lactose. The cell wall contains meso-diaminopimelic acid, arabinose and galactose (wall chemotype IV). The predominant menaquinone is MK-8(H# ). The major fatty acid is C"':! , and 10-methyl-branched fatty acids are present. Mycolic acids are present. The GC content of the DNA is 67±4 mol%. Isolated from a femur in the remains in the grave of Jos)t Lucembursky!. The type strain is strain IFO 16295T (=CCM 4760T).
Taxonomic concepts
Rhodococcus jostii Takeuchi et al. 2002
Rhodococcus jostii Takeuchi et al.
Rhodococcus jostii Takeuchi et al. 2002
Global name resources
Type strain: CCM 4760; DSM 44719; IFO 16295; JCM 11615; NBRC 16295
jost’i.i. N.L. gen. masc. n. jostii, of Jošt, in honor of Margrave Jošt Lucemburský (1351-1411), an important Czech ruler, from whose skeletal remains the strain was isolated
scientific name
19 February 2014
20 November 2023