Recorded name | Association type | Associated organism (recorded name) | Associated organism (current name) | Country | Reference |
Solidago virgaurea L. | is host of |
Diaporthe linearis (Nees) Nitschke
Diaporthe linearis (Nees) Nitschke
Czechoslovakia | PDD (Records from Czechoslovakia.) |
Solidago virgaurea L. | is host of |
Mycosphaerella nebulosa (Pers.) Lindau 1903
Phomatodes nebulosa (Pers.) Q. Chen & L. Cai 2015
Czechoslovakia | PDD (Records from Czechoslovakia.) |
Solidago virgaurea L. | is host of |
Ploettnera solidaginis (De Not.) B. Hein 1976
Ploettnera solidaginis (De Not.) B. Hein 1976
Czechoslovakia | PDD (Records from Czechoslovakia.) |
Solidago virgaurea L. | is host of |
Puccinia virgaureae (DC.) Lib. 1837
Puccinia virgaureae (DC.) Lib. 1837
Finland | PDD (Records from Finland.) |
Solidago virgaurea L. | is host of |
Uromyces sommerfeltii Hyl., Jørst. & Nannf. 1953
Uromyces sommerfeltii Hyl., Jørst. & Nannf. 1953
Finland | PDD (Records from Finland.) |
Solidago virgaurea L. | is host of |
Cercosporella virgaureae (Thüm.) Allesch. 1895
Cercosporella virgaureae (Thüm.) Allesch. 1895
Germany | PDD (Records from Germany.) |
Solidago virgaurea L. | is host of |
Septoria virgaureae (Lib.) Desm. 1842
Septoria virgaureae (Lib.) Desm. 1842
Germany | PDD (Records from Germany.) |
Solidago virgaurea L. | is host of |
Puccinia virgaureae (DC.) Lib. 1837
Puccinia virgaureae (DC.) Lib. 1837
Hungary | PDD (Records from Hungary.) |
scientific name
9 March 2018