Gymnogongrus humilis Lindauer

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Gymnogongrus humilis Lindauer, , no. 145 (1947)
Gymnogongrus humilis Lindauer
no. 145
Gymnogongrus humilis Lindauer
Gymnogongrus humilis
(From Algaebase.org):
Type locality: Ngaere Bay, Northland, New Zealand; (Lewis & Womersley 1994: 267) Lectotype: Lindauer; 25 February 1940; at low water; AKU at AK; herb. Lindauer
Notes: Gymnogongrus humilis Lindauer was distributed in Fascicle 6 in Algae Nova-Zelandicae Exsiccatae in December 1942 then effectively published by distribution of printed labels May 1947.
Chapman (1979: 362) published the same description and designated a type (= lectotype) as No. 1774 (= AKU 100252). J.A.Lewis & Womersley in Womersley (1994: 267) have placed G. humbles [G. humilis] in Ahnfeltiopsis humbles [Ahnfeltipsis humilis] (Lindauer) J.A.Lewis & Womersley, and specify "lectotype in Herb. Lindauer, CHR" although the Herb. Lindauer is in AKU at AK (Wendy Nelson, e-mail, December 2011). The specimens distributed as Alg. Nova-Zel. Exsicc. No. 145 are effectively isolectotypes.
(From Algaebase.org):
Type locality: Ngaere Bay, Northland, New Zealand; (Lewis & Womersley 1994: 267) Lectotype: Lindauer; 25 February 1940; at low water; AKU at AK; herb. Lindauer
Notes: Gymnogongrus humilis Lindauer was distributed in Fascicle 6 in Algae Nova-Zelandicae Exsiccatae in December 1942 then effectively published by distribution of printed labels May 1947.
Chapman (1979: 362) published the same description and designated a type (= lectotype) as No. 1774 (= AKU 100252). J.A.Lewis & Womersley in Womersley (1994: 267) have placed G. humbles [G. humilis] in Ahnfeltiopsis humbles [Ahnfeltipsis humilis] (Lindauer) J.A.Lewis & Womersley, and specify "lectotype in Herb. Lindauer, CHR" although the Herb. Lindauer is in AKU at AK (Wendy Nelson, e-mail, December 2011). The specimens distributed as Alg. Nova-Zel. Exsicc. No. 145 are effectively isolectotypes.
The name Gymnogongrus humilis Lindauer was recognised for New Zealand in Nelson et al (2019) Conservation status of New Zealand macroalgae, although Algavase.org (July 2023) give the current name as Ahnfeltiopsis humilis (Lindauer) J.A.Lewis & Womersley
scientific name
10 July 2023
17 July 2023