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Sorokina lignicola (Rodway) Dennis 1958

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Sorokina lignicola (Rodway) Dennis, Kew Bull. 13 353 (1958)
Sorokina lignicola (Rodway) Dennis 1958

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New Zealand
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(Rodway) Dennis
Sorokina lignicola

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Sorokina lignicola (Rodway) Dennis 1958

Sorokina lignicola (Rodway) Dennis, comb. nov.
Rhizina lignicola Rodway in Pap. & Proc. Roy. Soc. Tasmania 1924, 117 (1925).

Apothecia solitary or gregarious, superficial; disc convex, then flattened with recurved margin, black, up to 2.5 cm. diameter; receptacle thin, pruinose, concolorous, sessile. Flesh about 0.5 mm. thick, composed of light brown, loosely woven, hyphae 3-4 µm wide; excipulum thin, very dark brown, with thinwalled, subglobose cells, I0-15 µm diameter, becoming scurfy ; asci cylindric-clavate, 80-90 x 5-6 µm, 8-spored, apex not blued by Melzer's reagent ; ascospores uniseriate or biseriate above, elliptical, I -septate, hyaline, then light brown, often appearing faintly longitudinally striate with about 4 striae visible at one time; paraphyses slender, I µm. thick, tips agglutinated by a brown matrix. On rotten wood.

TASMANIA West coast, December 1923, Typus in Herb. Tasmanian Museum.

This is doubtfully distinct from S. microspora (Berk.) Sacc., from Venezuela, which, however, has slightly smaller ascospores, 6-7 x 2.5-3p with less distinct striae. Any resemblance of either fungus to a Rhizina is, of course, purely superficial.

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Sorokina lignicola (Rodway) Dennis 1958
Sorokina lignicola (Rodway) Dennis

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5 November 2021
5 November 2021
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