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Allium roseum L. subsp. roseum

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Allium roseum L. (1753) subsp. roseum
Allium roseum L. subsp. roseum

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New Zealand
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Allium roseum subsp. roseum

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Bulb 2 × 1.5 cm, tunic scarious, outermost layer with prominent round pits, whitish-grey with stipitate offset bulbs. Leaves 2-4, c. 35 × 1 cm, flat < scape, light green to ± glaucous; sheaths reddish-purple. Scape 30-60 cm high, cylindrical, sheathed by leaves at base. Umbels 5-8 cm diam., ± lax, with flowers and bulbils; pedicels 4-6 times length of flowers, or longer; spathe-valve 1, persistent. Flowers 10-12 mm long, ± 12 mm diam., pale pink, with deeper pink central nerves; segments ± oblong, obtuse, margins slightly dentate. stamens c. ⅔ length of perianth; filaments entire, without appendages. Bulbils c. 5 mm long, becoming reddish, shinning. Capsule not seen.

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New Zealand
Canterbury Land District

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Healy and Edgar (1980) identified the naturalised Allium roseum in New Zealand as Allium roseum subsp. bulbiferum, based on the observation that the inflorescences of these plants produced both bulbils and flowers. However, Allium roseum subsp. bulbiferum has since been synonymised with the type subspecies, Allium roseum subsp. roseum. The presence of bulbils is now considered an unreliable characteristic for subspecies distinction.

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scientific name
25 November 2024
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