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Miscanthus nepalensis (Trin.) Hack.

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Miscanthus nepalensis (Trin.) Hack. (1889)
Miscanthus nepalensis (Trin.) Hack.

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New Zealand
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(Trin.) Hack.
Miscanthus nepalensis

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Miscanthus nepalensis (Trin.) Hack.

Tall robust clumps. Leaf-sheath stiff, ± keeled, often conspicuously purple, with scattered long silky hairs, more densely hairy below collar. Ligule 2-3.5 mm, membranous, obtuse, short-ciliate. Leaf-blade 20-60 cm × 4-10 mm, stiff, flat or folded, gradually tapering, midrib pale green, conspicuous below, abaxially with scattered fine hairs, adaxially glabrous; margins closely, finely scabrid, tip very finely acute. Culm 40-80 cm, stiff, purple-green to yellow-green, nodes purplish, internodes with long fine silky hairs below panicle. Panicle 10-20 cm, golden brown, ± fan-shaped; rachis long silky hairy. Racemes 3.5-10.5 cm, numerous, silky, » panicle rachis. Spikelets numerous; florets ¼-⅓ length of soft, brownish cream, spreading involucral hairs; pedicels purplish, short pedicels = spikelets, long pedicels » spikelets, ± 3-angled. Glumes 1.6-2.8 mm, ± equal, oblong-lanceolate, acute, brownish, finely mucronate or entire, minutely scabrid above on nerves and often purple towards hyaline tip; lower 3-(5)-nerved, margins ciliate, upper 1-(3)-nerved. Lower floret Ø: lemma 1.6-2.6 mm, lanceolate, acute, sparsely, finely prickle-toothed at centre. Upper floret ☿: lemma 1.6-2.2 mm; awn 8.5-11 mm; palea 1-1.5 mm, apex sometimes irregularly bifid; lodicules 0; anthers 1-1.4 mm; gynoecium: ovary 0.5-0.7 mm, stigma-styles 2.6-3 mm; caryopsis 1-1.5 mm. Fig. 24.

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Miscanthus nepalensis (Trin.) Hack.
Miscanthus nepalensis (Trin.) Hack.
Miscanthus nepalensis (Trin.) Hack.
Miscanthus nepalensis (Trin.) Hack.
Miscanthus nepalensis (Trin.) Hack.
Miscanthus nepalensis (Trin.) Hack.
Miscanthus nepalensis (Trin.) Hack.
Miscanthus nepalensis (Trin.) Hack.

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Miscanthus nepalensis (Trin.) Hack.
New Zealand
Gisborne Land District
Miscanthus nepalensis (Trin.) Hack.
New Zealand
Nelson Land District
Miscanthus nepalensis (Trin.) Hack.
New Zealand
North Auckland Land District
Miscanthus nepalensis (Trin.) Hack.
New Zealand
South Auckland Land District
Miscanthus nepalensis (Trin.) Hack.
New Zealand
Taranaki Land District
Miscanthus nepalensis (Trin.) Hack.
New Zealand
Westland Land District

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scientific name
1 January 2000
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