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Fissidens waiensis J.E.Beever

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Fissidens waiensis J.E.Beever in Beever & Stone, New Zealand J. Bot. 37: 643 (1999)
Fissidens waiensis J.E.Beever

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New Zealand
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Fissidens waiensis J.E.Beever
Fissidens waiensis
The epithet waiensis, from wai (Māori for “water”) + -ensis (inhabiting), alludes to the habitat of the moss, in permanent or intermittent waterways. In addition, it honours the Ngāti Wai iwi, in whose rohe the type specimen was collected, and the moss first recognised as new to science.
Holotype: N.Z., North Auckland Land District, Taranga (Hen I.), Stead Bay, 31 Dec. 1990, A.E. Wright 10903, AK! Isotypes: BM!, CANB!, CHR!, HO!, NY!, WELT!, Herb. I.G. Stone!

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Fissidens waiensis J.E.Beever
Fissidens waiensis J.E.Beever
Fissidens waiensis J.E.Beever
Fissidens waiensis J.E.Beever
Fissidens waiensis J.E.Beever
Fissidens waiensis J.E.Beever

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Fissidens waiensis J.E.Beever
New Zealand
Canterbury Land District
Fissidens waiensis J.E.Beever
New Zealand
Gisborne Land District
Fissidens waiensis J.E.Beever
New Zealand
Hawke's Bay Land District
Fissidens waiensis J.E.Beever
New Zealand
Mayor Island
Fissidens waiensis J.E.Beever
New Zealand
North Auckland Land District

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Holotype: N.Z., North Auckland Land District, Taranga (Hen I.), Stead Bay, 31 Dec. 1990, A.E. Wright 10903, AK! Isotypes: BM!, CANB!, CHR!, HO!, NY!, WELT!, Herb. I.G. Stone!
The epithet waiensis, from wai (Māori for “water”) + -ensis (inhabiting), alludes to the habitat of the moss, in permanent or intermittent waterways. In addition, it honours the Ngāti Wai iwi, in whose rohe the type specimen was collected, and the moss first recognised as new to science.

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scientific name
1 January 2000
5 November 2014
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